

28 January 2025
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The same people who were used to the Soviet style of thinking and work ethic kept their jobs, even if they were doing nothing or even doing harm

Former president and prime minister of Lithuania, Algirdas Brazauskas. who died last year

The idea is excellent, but the problem is that the majority of the people in the positions where the change could be initiated were from the Soviet times. The fact that Brazauskas was really good at public relations and was able to retain his power for so long meant that the same people who were used to the Soviet style of thinking and work ethic kept their jobs, even if they were doing nothing or even doing harm. To them, changing the way how things are done meant undermining their own position, so of course they did nothing.

My hope is that with time the things will clean up, and these changes will occur. It will take time, though.

Category : Opinions

  • By hijacking governance, the nomenklatura (some 10-20% of the society) did indeed harm the Lithuanian people and did not even pay any real estate or other wealth taxes on the property effectively stolen from the people. So, without such basic taxation and other reforms, no amount of austerity policy is going to stabilize the Lithaunian public finance for any longer period; everybody has to contribute its fair share, not just the poorest 80%!

    May 25 2011


    VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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