

24 March 2025
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VilNews has existed on paper and in different shapes since 2001.

Sat, 31st October, 2015 - Posted by - (5) Comment


VilNews is back!

Our publication VilNews has been inactive over the past two years. But here we are again, ready with a fresh new issue. We wish old and new readers worldwide warmly welcome!

“New” VilNews consists of 18 sections that you can immerse yourself into by clicking on the link buttons at the top of each page.

If “old” VilNews had been printed on paper, it would become a book of more than 7,000 pages of totally unique reading material about historical and contemporary Lithuania. This huge material is still available. All old and new articles are sorted by topics, in our 18 sections.

The VilNews concept is a unique combination of informative articles, social media (blogs and commentaries) and background articles about Lithuanian people, history, culture, politics, tourism, economy and much more. We do very much appreciate feedback and comments from our readers. Good debate is always healthy!

I wish you some good reading, and please do not hesitate to contact us!

Say what you mean – mean what you say – don`t be mean

Aage Myhre


Category : About VilNews / Front page

Sat, 31st October, 2015 - Posted by - (5) Comment


The term Fourth Estate refers to the press,
both in its explicit capacity of advocacy
and in its ability to frame political issues.

VilNews was several years ago established as a newsletter for Vilnius International Club (founded 2001). Over the years, the newsletter got attention and readers from a worldwide audience far beyond the spheres of the club, and grew over the last couple of years from having a few hundred readers to an estimated readership of more than 10 000 at the end of 2010.

Against this background, it was in September 2010 decided that VilNews should be separated from the club and established as a separate corporation and publisher, with the aim to turn the newsletter into an online e-magazine with a broad scope of issues and coverage.

Today's vision for VilNews is to develop and maintain an e-publication that should  be viewed as a good, strong, independent, democratic and outspoken Fourth Estate media in and for Lithuania, founded on professional journalism and reflected comment articles.

VilNews as e-magazine shall continue the line of the newsletter, to be critical of the negative that is still going on in this country, while increasingly trying to find positive stories and interesting angles on events and characteristics from both past and present. Another goal is that VilNews shall builds bridges between Lithuania and its many extraordinary fine diasporas around the world. The global nation called Lithuania represents so much more than the country itself, and VilNews will always do its utmost to connect people with some sort of interest in Lithuanian affairs around the globe.

VilNews has got amazingly great support and response from readers around the world. This fact makes us confident that we will continue to develop VilNews' position as

a leading English-language e-publication from and about Lithuania!


Category : About VilNews

Sat, 31st October, 2015 - Posted by - (5) Comment

VilNews code of ethics

Each of our editors and editorial staff members are required to be familiar with these ethical standards, and to base their practice on this code. The ethical practice comprehends the complete journalistic process from research to publication.

1. The Role of the Press in Society 

1.1. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information and Freedom of the Press are basic elements of a democracy. A free, independent press is among the most important institutions in a democratic society.

1.2. The press has important functions in that it carries information, debates and critical comments on current affairs. The press is particularly responsible for allowing different views to be expressed.

1.3. The press shall protect the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the principle of access to official documents. It cannot yield to any pressure from anybody who might want to prevent open debates, the free flow of information and free access to sources. Agreements concerning exclusive event reporting shall not preclude independent news reporting.

1.4. It is the right of the press to carry information on what goes on in society and to uncover and disclose matters, which ought to be subjected to criticism. It is a press obligation to shed critical light on how media themselves exercise their role.

1.5. It is the task of the press to protect individuals and groups against injustices or neglect, committed by public authorities and institutions, private enterprises, or others.

2. Integrity and Responsibility 

2.1. The legally responsible editor carries personal and full responsibility for the material contained in the publication, no matter the form.

2.2. Each editorial desk and each employee must guard their own integrity and credibility in order to be free to act independently of any persons or groups who - for ideological, economic or other reasons - might want to exercise an influence over editorial matters.

2.3. Members of the editorial staff must not accept commissions or offices, financial support or dual roles creating conflicts of interest in relation to their editorial tasks. Be open on matters that could influence the credibility of editorial staff members.

2.4. Members of the editorial staff should not use their position to achieve personal gains.

2.5. A member of the editorial staff cannot be ordered to write or do anything, which is contrary to his or her convictions.

2.6. Reject any attempt to break down the clear distinction between advertisements and editorial copy. Advertisements intended to imitate or exploit an editorial product, should be turned down, as should advertisements undermining trust in the editorial integrity and the independence of the press.

2.7. Never promise editorial favours in return for advertisements. The material is published as a result of editorial considerations. See to it that the vital distinction between journalism and commercial communication is being maintained upon employment of web links and other connective means.

2.8. It is a breach of good press conduct to let sponsorship affect editorial activity, contents and presentation.

2.9. Members of the editorial staff may not accept assignments from anyone but the heads of the editorial staff.

3. Journalistic Conduct and Relations with the Sources 

3.1. The source of information must, as a rule, be identified, unless this conflicts with source protection or consideration for a third party.

3.2. Be critical in the choice of sources, and make sure that the information provided is correct. It is good press practice to aim for diversity and relevance in the choice of sources. If anonymous sources are used, or the publication is offered exclusivity, especially stringent requirements must be imposed on the critical evaluation of the sources. Particular caution should be exercised when dealing with information from anonymous sources, information from sources offering exclusivity, and information provided from sources in return for payment.

3.3. Good press conduct requires clarification of the terms on which an interview is being carried out. This also pertains to adjacent research.

3.4. Protect the sources of the press. The protection of sources is a basic principle in a free society and is a prerequisite for the ability of the press to fulfil its duties towards society and ensure the access to essential information.

3.5. Do not divulge the name of a person who has provided information on a confidential basis, unless consent has been explicitly given by the person concerned.

3.6. In consideration of the sources and the independence of the press, unpublished material as a main rule should not be divulged to third parties.

3.7. It is the duty of the press to report the intended meaning in quotes from an interview. Direct quotes must be accurate.

3.8. Changes of a given statement should be limited to corrections of factual errors. No one without editorial authority may intervene in the editing or presentation of editorial material

3.9. Proceed tactfully in journalistic research. In particular show consideration for people who cannot be expected to be aware of the effect that their statements may have. Never abuse the emotions or feeling of other people, their ignorance or their lack of judgment. Remember that people in shock or grief are more vulnerable than others.

3.10. Hidden cameras/microphones or false identity may only be used under special circumstances. The condition must be that such a method is the only possible way to uncover cases of essential importance to society.

3.11. The press shall as a rule not pay sources or interviewees for information. Exercise moderation when paying a consideration for news tips. It is incompatible with good press practice to employ payment schemes designed to tempt people, without due cause, to invade the privacy of others or to disclose sensitive personal information.

4. Publication Rules 

4.1.Make a point of fairness and thoughtfulness in contents and presentation.

4.2. Make plain what is factual information and what is comment.

4.3. Always respect a person's character and identity, privacy, race, nationality and belief. Never draw attention to personal or private aspects if they are irrelevant.

4.4. Make sure that headlines, introductions and leads do not go beyond what is being related in the text. It is considered good press conduct to reveal your source when the information is quoted from other media.

4.5. In particular avoid presumption of guilt in crime and court reporting. Make it evident that the question of guilt, whether relating to somebody under suspicion, reported, accused or charged, has not been decided until the sentence has legal efficacy. It is a part of good press conduct to report the final result of court proceedings, which have been reported earlier.

4.6. Always consider how reports on accidents and crime may affect the victims and next-of-kin. Do not identify victims or missing persons unless next-of-kin have been informed. Show consideration towards people in grief or at times of shock.

4.7. Be cautious in the use of names and photographs and other clear identifiers of persons in referring to contentious or punishable matters. Special caution should be exercised when reporting cases at the early stage of investigation, cases concerning young offenders and cases in which an identifying report may place an unreasonable burden on a third party. Identification must be founded on a legitimate need for information. It may, for instance, be legitimate to identify someone where there is imminent danger of assault on defenceless individuals, in the case of serious and repeated crimes, if the identity or social position of the subject is patently relevant to the case being reported on, or where identification protects the innocent from exposure to unjustified suspicion.

4.8. Reporting on children, it is considered good press conduct to assess the implications that media focusing could cause in each case. This also pertains when the person in charge or parent, has agreed to exposure. As a general rule the identity of children should not be disclosed in reports on family disputes or cases under consideration by the childcare authorities or by the courts.

4.9. Be cautious when reporting on suicide and attempted suicide. Avoid reporting that is not necessary for meeting a general need for information. Avoid description of methods or other matters that may contribute to provoking further suicidal actions.

4.10. Exercise caution when using photos in any other context than the original.

4.11. Protect the credibility of the journalistic photograph. Photos used as documentation must not be altered in a way that creates a false impression. Manipulated photos can only be accepted as illustrations if it is evident that it in actual fact is a picture collage.

4.12. The use of pictures must comply with the same requirements of caution as for a written or oral presentation.

4.13. Incorrect information must be corrected and, when called for, an apology given, as soon as possible.

4.14. Those who have been subjected to strong accusations shall, if possible, have the opportunity to simultaneous reply as regards factual information. Debates, criticism and dissemination of news must not be hampered by parties being unwilling to make comments or take part in the debate.

4.15. Those who have been the subject of an attack shall have the chance to reply at the earliest opportunity, unless the attack and criticism are part of a running exchange of views. Any reply should be of reasonable length, be pertinent to the matter and seemly in its form. The reply can be refused if the party in question has rejected, without an objective reason, an offer of presenting a contemporaneous rejoinder on the same issue. Replies and contributions to the debate should not be accompanied by polemic editorial comment.

4.16. Beware that digital publication pointers and links could bring you to other electronic media that do not comply with the Ethical Code. See to it that links to other media or publications are clearly marked. It is considered good press conduct to inform the users of interactive services on how the publication registers you, and possibly exploits your use of the services.

4.17. Should the editorial staff choose not to pre-edit digital chatting, this has to be announced in a clear manner for those accessing the pages. The editorial staff has a particular responsibility, instantly to remove inserts that are not in compliance with the Ethical Code.

The VilNews Code of Ethics are identical with the:


Ethical Code of Practice for the Press (printed press, radio, television and net publications). Adopted by the Norwegian Press Association November 23th, 2007.


Category : About VilNews

Fri, 30th October, 2015 - Posted by - (7) Comment

As long as VilNews exists,


unnamed (1)



       Professor Irena Veisaite, Chairwoman of our Honorary Council, has asked us to convey her heartfelt greetings to the other Council Members and to all readers of VilNews.

“My love and best wishes to all. As long as VilNews exists, there is hope for the future,” she writes.

Irena Veisaite means very much for our publication, and we do hereby thank her for the support and wise commitment she always shows. You can read our interview with her HERE.



Category : About VilNews

Sat, 26th November, 2011 - Posted by - (3) Comment

Welcome to readers in
20 new countries!

VilNews keeps getting new readers in ever more countries. Since October, twenty new countries have ‘signed up’. It's incredibly exciting to see that Lithuania and ‘the Lithuanian’ is becoming increasingly better known in all corners of the world. We wish all our new readers welcome!

You are all invited to send us news and other matters that are related to Lithuania in the country or region where you live!
























Category : About VilNews / Front page

The term Fourth Estate refers to the press,
both in its explicit capacity of advocacy
and in its ability to frame political issues.

VilNews was several years ago established as a newsletter for Vilnius International Club (founded 2001). Over the years, the newsletter got attention and readers from a worldwide audience far beyond the spheres of the club, and grew over the last couple of years from having a few hundred readers to an estimated readership of more than 10 000 at the end of 2010.

Against this background, it was in September 2010 decided that VilNews should be separated from the club and established as a separate corporation and publisher, with the aim to turn the newsletter into an online e-magazine with a broad scope of issues and coverage.

Today's vision for VilNews is to develop and maintain an e-publication that should  be viewed as a good, strong, independent, democratic and outspoken Fourth Estate media in and for Lithuania, founded on professional journalism and reflected comment articles.

VilNews as e-magazine shall continue the line of the newsletter, to be critical of the negative that is still going on in this country, while increasingly trying to find positive stories and interesting angles on events and characteristics from both past and present. Another goal is that VilNews shall builds bridges between Lithuania and its many extraordinary fine diasporas around the world. The global nation called Lithuania represents so much more than the country itself, and VilNews will always do its utmost to connect people with some sort of interest in Lithuanian affairs around the globe.

VilNews has got amazingly great support and response from readers around the world. This fact makes us confident that we will continue to develop VilNews' position as the world's leading English-language e-publication from and about Lithuania!

Aage Myhre

Editor in Chief

VilNews code of ethics

Each of our editors and editorial staff members are required to be familiar with these ethical standards, and to base their practice on this code. The ethical practice comprehends the complete journalistic process from research to publication.

1. The Role of the Press in Society 1.1. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information and Freedom of the Press are basic elements of a democracy. A free, independent press is among the most important institutions in a democratic society.

1.2. The press has important functions in that it carries information, debates and critical comments on current affairs. The press is particularly responsible for allowing different views to be expressed.

1.3. The press shall protect the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the principle of access to official documents. It cannot yield to any pressure from anybody who might want to prevent open debates, the free flow of information and free access to sources. Agreements concerning exclusive event reporting shall not preclude independent news reporting.

1.4. It is the right of the press to carry information on what goes on in society and to uncover and disclose matters, which ought to be subjected to criticism. It is a press obligation to shed critical light on how media themselves exercise their role.

1.5. It is the task of the press to protect individuals and groups against injustices or neglect, committed by public authorities and institutions, private enterprises, or others.

2. Integrity and Responsibility 2.1. The legally responsible editor carries personal and full responsibility for the material contained in the publication, no matter the form.

2.2. Each editorial desk and each employee must guard their own integrity and credibility in order to be free to act independently of any persons or groups who - for ideological, economic or other reasons - might want to exercise an influence over editorial matters.

2.3. Members of the editorial staff must not accept commissions or offices, financial support or dual roles creating conflicts of interest in relation to their editorial tasks. Be open on matters that could influence the credibility of editorial staff members.

2.4. Members of the editorial staff should not use their position to achieve personal gains.

2.5. A member of the editorial staff cannot be ordered to write or do anything, which is contrary to his or her convictions.

2.6. Reject any attempt to break down the clear distinction between advertisements and editorial copy. Advertisements intended to imitate or exploit an editorial product, should be turned down, as should advertisements undermining trust in the editorial integrity and the independence of the press.

2.7. Never promise editorial favours in return for advertisements. The material is published as a result of editorial considerations. See to it that the vital distinction between journalism and commercial communication is being maintained upon employment of web links and other connective means.

2.8. It is a breach of good press conduct to let sponsorship affect editorial activity, contents and presentation.

2.9. Members of the editorial staff may not accept assignments from anyone but the heads of the editorial staff.

3. Journalistic Conduct and Relations with the Sources 3.1. The source of information must, as a rule, be identified, unless this conflicts with source protection or consideration for a third party.

3.2. Be critical in the choice of sources, and make sure that the information provided is correct. It is good press practice to aim for diversity and relevance in the choice of sources. If anonymous sources are used, or the publication is offered exclusivity, especially stringent requirements must be imposed on the critical evaluation of the sources. Particular caution should be exercised when dealing with information from anonymous sources, information from sources offering exclusivity, and information provided from sources in return for payment.

3.3. Good press conduct requires clarification of the terms on which an interview is being carried out. This also pertains to adjacent research.

3.4. Protect the sources of the press. The protection of sources is a basic principle in a free society and is a prerequisite for the ability of the press to fulfil its duties towards society and ensure the access to essential information.

3.5. Do not divulge the name of a person who has provided information on a confidential basis, unless consent has been explicitly given by the person concerned.

3.6. In consideration of the sources and the independence of the press, unpublished material as a main rule should not be divulged to third parties.

3.7. It is the duty of the press to report the intended meaning in quotes from an interview. Direct quotes must be accurate.

3.8. Changes of a given statement should be limited to corrections of factual errors. No one without editorial authority may intervene in the editing or presentation of editorial material

3.9. Proceed tactfully in journalistic research. In particular show consideration for people who cannot be expected to be aware of the effect that their statements may have. Never abuse the emotions or feeling of other people, their ignorance or their lack of judgment. Remember that people in shock or grief are more vulnerable than others.

3.10. Hidden cameras/microphones or false identity may only be used under special circumstances. The condition must be that such a method is the only possible way to uncover cases of essential importance to society.

3.11. The press shall as a rule not pay sources or interviewees for information. Exercise moderation when paying a consideration for news tips. It is incompatible with good press practice to employ payment schemes designed to tempt people, without due cause, to invade the privacy of others or to disclose sensitive personal information.

4. Publication Rules 4.1.Make a point of fairness and thoughtfulness in contents and presentation.

4.2. Make plain what is factual information and what is comment.

4.3. Always respect a person's character and identity, privacy, race, nationality and belief. Never draw attention to personal or private aspects if they are irrelevant.

4.4. Make sure that headlines, introductions and leads do not go beyond what is being related in the text. It is considered good press conduct to reveal your source when the information is quoted from other media.

4.5. In particular avoid presumption of guilt in crime and court reporting. Make it evident that the question of guilt, whether relating to somebody under suspicion, reported, accused or charged, has not been decided until the sentence has legal efficacy. It is a part of good press conduct to report the final result of court proceedings, which have been reported earlier.

4.6. Always consider how reports on accidents and crime may affect the victims and next-of-kin. Do not identify victims or missing persons unless next-of-kin have been informed. Show consideration towards people in grief or at times of shock.

4.7. Be cautious in the use of names and photographs and other clear identifiers of persons in referring to contentious or punishable matters. Special caution should be exercised when reporting cases at the early stage of investigation, cases concerning young offenders and cases in which an identifying report may place an unreasonable burden on a third party. Identification must be founded on a legitimate need for information. It may, for instance, be legitimate to identify someone where there is imminent danger of assault on defenceless individuals, in the case of serious and repeated crimes, if the identity or social position of the subject is patently relevant to the case being reported on, or where identification protects the innocent from exposure to unjustified suspicion.

4.8. Reporting on children, it is considered good press conduct to assess the implications that media focusing could cause in each case. This also pertains when the person in charge or parent, has agreed to exposure. As a general rule the identity of children should not be disclosed in reports on family disputes or cases under consideration by the childcare authorities or by the courts.

4.9. Be cautious when reporting on suicide and attempted suicide. Avoid reporting that is not necessary for meeting a general need for information. Avoid description of methods or other matters that may contribute to provoking further suicidal actions.

4.10. Exercise caution when using photos in any other context than the original.

4.11. Protect the credibility of the journalistic photograph. Photos used as documentation must not be altered in a way that creates a false impression. Manipulated photos can only be accepted as illustrations if it is evident that it in actual fact is a picture collage.

4.12. The use of pictures must comply with the same requirements of caution as for a written or oral presentation.

4.13. Incorrect information must be corrected and, when called for, an apology given, as soon as possible.

4.14. Those who have been subjected to strong accusations shall, if possible, have the opportunity to simultaneous reply as regards factual information. Debates, criticism and dissemination of news must not be hampered by parties being unwilling to make comments or take part in the debate.

4.15. Those who have been the subject of an attack shall have the chance to reply at the earliest opportunity, unless the attack and criticism are part of a running exchange of views. Any reply should be of reasonable length, be pertinent to the matter and seemly in its form. The reply can be refused if the party in question has rejected, without an objective reason, an offer of presenting a contemporaneous rejoinder on the same issue. Replies and contributions to the debate should not be accompanied by polemic editorial comment.

4.16. Beware that digital publication pointers and links could bring you to other electronic media that do not comply with the Ethical Code. See to it that links to other media or publications are clearly marked. It is considered good press conduct to inform the users of interactive services on how the publication registers you, and possibly exploits your use of the services.

4.17. Should the editorial staff choose not to pre-edit digital chatting, this has to be announced in a clear manner for those accessing the pages. The editorial staff has a particular responsibility, instantly to remove inserts that are not in compliance with the Ethical Code.

The VilNews Code of Ethics are identical with the:


Ethical Code of Practice for the Press (printed press, radio, television and net publications). Adopted by the Norwegian Press Association November 23th, 2007.


Have your say. Send to:

As long as VilNews exists,
there is hope for the future
Professor Irena Veisaite, Chairwoman of our Honorary Council, asked us to convey her heartfelt greetings to the other Council Members and to all readers of VilNews.

"My love and best wishes to all. As long as VilNews exists, there is hope for the future,"" she writes.

Irena Veisaite means very much for our publication, and we do hereby thank her for the support and wise commitment she always shows.

You can read our interview with her
* * *
Welcome back VilNews!
Greetings from the Lithuanian
community in Venezuela
By Vytenis Folkmanas,
Architect, Cracas, Venezuela

With great joy and enthusiasm I have just received the news that Vilnews will be restarted - now in its second stage. I've been for many years an avid reader of all items on the web page and on the VilNews Facebook pages.

I am constantly sharing the articles with the Lithuanian Community of Venezuela, from where I'm writing and from where I send Aage and his team my best wishes and success in this new release of VilNews

Our community is very small, unfortunately, and it has been greatly reduced over the latest years, but we refuse to disappear and have therefore been maintaining the traditions and customs that our grandparents and parents taught us through all the activities organized by our Community.

These are some of our activities:
Commemoration of the Independence celebration of Easter, Christmas, Boy Scout groups, theater, basketball teams, folk dance groups, exchanges with other communities, language training, etc.

VilNews has helped us with Lithuania related articles, to continue to feel proud of having Lithuanian blood in our veins, and keep teaching our youth of its magnificent history, of its people around the world and the mark that it has left in all of us Lithuanians scattered around the world.

Greetings to all Lithuanians around the world:
From Venezuela we send many greetings to all our countrymen around the world and we are sure and confident that through VilNews we will always be connected, joined and updated on all matters relating to our country, so we thank Aage and his team for their wonderful work and we hope you never get tired!

In whatever collaboration you need from us, the Lithuanian Community of Venezuela, within its limits, will always be happy and eager to help and support you ... lots of SUCCESS !!

Kindest regards, wishing you the best!

Vytenis Folkmanas

* * *
    • Michigan loves VilNews!

      An avid reader of VilNews in Michigan, USA, bought a new car not long ago. This is what his new license plates look like ...

      Democrat or Republican does not matter, Lithuanians in Michigan simply love VilNews!
    • There are lots of Lithuanians in Michigan

      Frank Passic

      There are lots of Lithuanians here in Michigan. My maternal grandfather was Nikodemas Kulikauskas and they were from Lietuva (he was born in Nevardenai near Varniai in 1890, died 1975 here in Albion). 2011 marked the 100th anniversary of my grandfather coming to the US.

      Frank Passic, Albion, Michigan...
    • It’s really great that people are sharing this informationMakaila...

    • BELOW: Reader comments

      * * *
      Congratulations :) Awesome publication

      Richard Vitkauskas

      Congratulations :) Awesome publication.
      Richard Vitkauskas,
      New York

      * * *
      Great contributions to understanding the fragmented history of Lithuania

      Lars Persen

      Congratulations to Aage Myhre and Vilnews for 1 year online and great contributions to understanding the fragmented history of Lithuania.
      Lars Persen,

      * * *
      Rarely do I find publications whose major goals match my own as closely as VilNews

      Boris Bakunas

      Rarely do I find publications whose major goals match my own as closely as VilNews, an e-magazine that strives to encourage understanding and mutual cooperation among people around the globe while preserving what is best in a country's national identity. VilNews is such a publication.
      Boris Bakunas,

      * * *
      Aciu, yes thank you for VilNews and any and every picture as I may never have the chance to get there
      Aciu, yes thank you for VilNews and any and every picture as I may never have the chance to get there.
      Cheryle Prakop-Good

      * * *
      I'd love to visit some day from Australia
      Yes gorgeous Grandmother now 88 was born in Vilnius I'd love to visit some day from Australia :D
      Anthea Poskus

      * * *
      ACIU!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous...Must return soon....
      Jenifer C. Dillis

      * * *
      Pulling extraordinary minds & brains together for the purpose of “rescuing” Lithuania

      Barbara Rapaport

      I have been reading some of the most interesting articles since the VilNews launch.

      What has impressed me the most is the fact that you have been able to pull extraordinary ‘minds & brains’ together from all over the world for the purpose of ‘rescuing’ Lithuania as a nation, and fundamentally improve its current practices with respect to economic and political justice, business practices, educational sustainability and resilience and much, much more.
      Just wanted to say one more time THANK YOU!!!

      Barbara Rapaport
      Adelaide, Australia
      - originally from Vilnius.

      * * *
      I’m a huge fan now

      Giedrė Jotautaitė

      I read your e-magazine every morning and I think it’s great 

      I’m a huge fan now.

      I was born in Vilnius, studied at Vilnius University, but moved to Milan to work. Now I’m saving money to buy a beautiful flat in the centre of Vilnius, because one day I will surely come back home!

      >From my point of view Lithuania is doing quite good, if to compare with Italy where one now can feel the crisis more.

      Best wishes and kiss,

      Giedrė Jotautaitė
      Milan, Italy
      - originally from Vilnius.

      * * *
      "VilNews changes the world’s perception of Lithuania!"
      The woman I spoke with at the national day celebration at the Norwegian Embassy in Vilnius on 17 May had much good to say about our VilNews e-magazine, and I do not deny that it felt good to hear such words – confirming that what we have tried to describe and gain an understanding of, in and about the 'Lithuanian', has been so well received, perceived and understood by one of our readers. This is what she said:
      "VilNews contributes more to Lithuania's international reputation than any political leader or advertising campaign has done for this country over the last twenty years. Soviet Union's attack on Lithuania in January 1991 led naturally to an enormous press coverage all over the world, but attention was soon gone and Lithuania did nothing to exploit 'the commercial value' of the great interest that we were exposed to by then. And since then, most of the international press coverage of Lithuania has been negative, characterized by the crimes carried out by individuals and gangs here.

      Then VilNews appears and suddenly we have access to a unique publication that explains Lithuania to the world in a completely different, clever way that makes the country sound and look very interesting again. Even those times when you criticize various aspects it is understood that the criticism is based on well-founded ideas, fairness and a balanced approach.

      You've just changed the image and perception of Lithuania. I am also very impressed with the unusual combination you present the news, blogs, comments, debates and a vast background material - not least that of historical character.

      It is also very good to see so many of your readers actually write and communicate actively through the channel you offer them through VilNews. I've actually never seen anything like it anywhere in the world. I recommend now VilNews to all my contacts around the world. I wish fervently that the nation's leaders would study the publication very carefully, and follow up much of what you write and propose."

      * * *
      We of Lithuanian descent truly
      appreciate this publication.
      Aciu dar karta!

      Irene Petkaitis

      Please continue with the delightful photos and thank you for them.

      Congratulations also on Anniversary of VilNews...

      We of Lithuanian descent
      truly appreciate this publication. Aciu dar karta!
      Irene Petkaitis.

      * * *
      Loved your trip with the family and all the great photos

      Felicia Dalia Prekeris Brown

      Loved your trip with the family and all the great photos.
      Felicia Dalia Prekeris Brown,
      California, USA.

      * * *
      The VilNews "Culture and Events" section serves as a model for others to follow
      In the information age, each nation has an opportunity contribute and to learn from all others, thus helping to create what may become a world culture that shares and respects diversity in a true global community. A worthy goal indeed! And one that the online publication VilNews pursues. The VilNews "Culture and Events" section serves as a model for others to follow.
      National Lithuanian American
      Hall of Fame

      Chicago, USA.

      * * *
      What makes VilNews unique is its sincere effort to transcend the disputes that have divided nations
      What makes VilNews unique is its sincere effort to transcend the disputes that have divided nations. After reading an article in VilNews that matches your interests, please write a comment. Creativity flourishes when people are willing to share their ideas in a helpful, positive way. Never before in history have we had an opportunity to foster understanding and respect among people -- and to learn from them.

      I’ve heard that Aage Myhre, the Editor-in-Chief, is terrific guy. He goes out of his way to publish both comments and articles from new contributors.

      Also, never hesitate to post on my Wall. For many years, I felt like I was living in an intellectual and spiritual vacuum, but now I find new interests, thoughts, and opportunities coming my way like never before.
      Boris Bakunas
      Chicago, USA.

      * * *
      Amazing growth and success!

      Wyman Brent

      Congratulations on one year of amazing growth and success!
      Wyman Brent,
      Vilnius Jewish Library

      * * *
      VilNews is the best online publication I've seen about Lithuania's history, culture, geography, and its resurgence on the world stage

      Boris Bakunas

      Two hundred years of oppression have scattered Lithuanians among all parts of the world. You will find Lithuanian communities in North and South America, in South Africa, in Australia, and Asia. VilNews is the best online publication I've seen about Lithuania's history, culture, geography, and its resurgence on the world stage. VilNews seeks to bring Lithuanians, their descendants, and people interested in Lithuania together in a cooperative manner, fostering good relations among Lithuania, its neighbors in the European community as well as the rest of the world.
      Boris Bakunas
      Chicago, USA.

      * * *
      Congratulations from Tasmania!

      (Dr) Al Taškūnas, OAM

      Dear Aage and all workers at VilNews,

      Congratulations on your first Anniversary.

      And by the way: By not resorting to 6, 000 pages, you have certainly saved many lovely trees.

      Keep up the good work and all the best.
      (Dr) Al Taškūnas, OAM
      Honorary Research Professor, School of Government, University of Tasmania
      and Editor, Lithuanian Papers.

      * * *
      Great reporting, interesting topics, and knowledgeable human resources

      Neringa Zamani

      CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Great reporting, interesting topics, and knowledgeable human resources. May it continue to flourish and expand. Thank you VilNews!
      Neringa Zamani,
      Washington D.C., USA.

      * * *
      I always enjoy reading your publication

      Amos Eiran

      Warm congratulations for the anniversary of VilNews On-Line. I always enjoy reading your publication and learn a lot from them and always look forward for the new publications.
      Amos Eiran,
      Tel Aviv, Israel.

      * * *
      All it took was a vision and lots of hard work...

      Jurate Kutkus Burns

      A great achievement! All it took was a vision and lots of hard work...thank you for both.
      Jurate Kutkus Burns,
      Florida, USA.

      * * *
      Great job! Press freedom!

      William Adan Pahl

      Great job! Press freedom!
      William Adan Pahl,
      Vilnius, Lithuania.
    • Congratulations on a monumental maiden year

      Tony Mazeika

      Congratulations on a monumental maiden year. May you double your readership in 2012. Always keep it relevant and balanced.

      There is a major issue: for those who were born in Lithuania, including WWII refugees, should they have received US, Canadian, Australian, UK, etc. citizenship, they lose Lithuania citizenship. Those who  earlier called themselves "diaspora" no longer do so. The current government will not consider dual citizenship. Lithuania could lose contact with a majority of émigrés over time because an important link is severed. 

      For most other descendants of former immigrants (largest group who emigrated to the US from 1880- 1939, numbering approx. 1.5 million, non-speaking Lithuanian language, Lithuanian-American heritage), tourism promotion and availability of English language print material, newspapers, websites, films, and ads are vital. Among that group, once they recognize their roots, there appears to be a sense of pride for many, notice the availability of tourism and access, they become motivated. Great example is Ruta Sepetys, writer, best seller, Shades of Grey. Marius Markevicius, filmmaker, Sundance festival, The Other Dream Team. Fr. David O'Rourke, documentary, Terror on the Amber Coast, among other developing media in English.

      This could be a productive dialogue.
      Tony Mazeika,
      California, USA

      Click on the film titles marked blue to see the trailers…

      * * *
      Good job with VilNews, actually a unique one globally!

      Valdas Samonis

      Good job with VilNewsactually a unique one globally!
      Valdas Samonis PhD,
      CPC (USA - Canada),
      The Web Professor of Global Management (SM) Institute for New Economic Thinking, New York City, USA and Royal Roads University, Canada. Knowledge Management Editor, Transnational Corporations Review (TNCR).

      * * *
      An important, noble thing for the country

      Mikhail Iossel

      Congratulations on the VilNews debut in this new, expanded format. It looks very good indeed, is highly informative, and I wish you much success with it. The sheer amount of effort and dedication that must have gone into getting this undertaking off the ground is quite awe-inspiring. You are doing an important, noble thing for the beautiful country you love. It is indeed an exceptionally interesting, genuinely fascinating country, with a turbulent past and difficult present -- a place that, despite (and in part, due to) the many still-unresolved issues of history, never is not-interesting, where "the past is not dead. It isn't even past," to quote Faulkner -- and as someone who also has been held under its thrall for many years, I share your desire to see as many people as possible the world over to discover it, come visit -- and fall in love with it, too, and keep coming back. My very best wishes to VilNews.
      Mikhail Iossel, Professor,
      Montreal, Canada

      * * *
      We really needed something like this long ago

      Kristina Lukošiūtė

      Let me express my warmest greetings for such a wonderful job. I’m sure it will contribute a lot to creating a better image of Lithuania in the world. We really needed something like this long ago.
      Kristina Lukošiūtė,
      Lithuanian Business Confederation | ICC Lithuania Director of Corporate Affairs

      * * *
      Maintaining the pride of being Lithuanian

      Jon Platakis

      We, at the National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame, are extremely appreciative of the superb job you did in prominently displaying our articles in your publication.
      Your publication is one of the few remaining publications, where our English speaking Lithuanians can keep abreast of events and maintain their pride of being Lithuanian.

      Jon Platakis,
      Chairman, National, Lithuanian American Hall of Fame, Chicago

      * * *
      Very well produced

      John Burrows

      Thank you for sending me VILNEWS. It is very well produced, informative and a very good read for me as I wish to stay in touch with Lithuania life and business. I receive the daily Baltic News but it is inferior to VILNEWS as it is always biased towards Latvia and has many mistakes in the English. VILNEWS is much more professional and absorbing.
      John Burrows,
      London, OBE HonRCM

      * * *
      Far away from home, we need a publication different from the mainstream news portals

      Paulius Kulikauskas

      Congratulations with VilNews! Far away from home, we need a publication different from the mainstream news portals, which are often permeated with negative attitude and serving narrow, short-term interests. Your interest to history and the international dimension of Lithuania has made your publication a very engaging reading. I trust VilNews will remain enthusiastic, honest and insightful. Please rest assured that you have a dedicated reader in Africa.
      Paulius Kulikauskas,
      Nairobi, Kenya

      * * *
      Your critical comments on, and wishes for, Lithuania in this issue are excellent

      Professor Mykolas J. Drunga

      I agree with every word, and can only hope that more Lithuanians would take your very informed, friendly, and insightful message to heart!  I intend to translate most of your remarks, published in VilNews, into Lithuanian as part of my international press review this Wednesday. As I said before, I think your remarks are very valuable and reflect an enlightened attitude that should be broadcast as widely as possible to a Lithuanian audience.
      Professor Mykolas J. Drunga,
      Broadcaster at Lithuanian State Radio

      * * *
      Fundamental, personal values, sharp vision, continuous commitment, and hard work
      Some world leaders loud the phrases "yes we can" and "change you can trust (what change: good or bad?)"... However, what they fail to understand is that to achieve great results it takes fundamental, personal values, sharp vision, continuous commitment, and hard work. That is why they fail and You succeed! 
      Romas Brickus,
      Cape Cod Island, USA

      * * *
      Professional looking site and highly informative publication
      Very many congratulations on a fantastic achievement with producing such a very professional looking site and highly informative publication.
      Peter Swanson,
      (British-Lithuanian Society), UK

    • BRAVO! It’s about time! All too often “historical” news and commemorations in Lithuania seem to be taken for granted – as if everyone there wasn’t interested or already knew about it…
      I try to follow all the English "press" from the Baltic Times to "English".

      FINALLY I discover you! AND..... you place an article on Feb 16th Lithuanian Independence on the FRONT PAGE and feature an absolutely marvellous "historical" section.

      BRAVO! It's about time! All too often "historical" news and commemorations in Lithuania seem to be taken for granted - as if everyone there wasn't interested or already knew about it.

      The fact is most of us are STARVED for this kind of information and even regular English speaking tourists need historical perspective to truly appreciate Lithuanian culture - if only to help understand a tragic and fragmented history. I will read you much and often.

      Edward Kestas Reivydas,
      M&R Americana Insurance Service Inc Santa Monica, California, USA
    • Your publication is one of the few remaining publications, where our English speaking Lithuanians can keep abreast of events and maintain their pride of being Lithuanian

      Jon Platakis.

      We, at the National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame, are extremely appreciative of the superb job you did in prominently displaying our articles in your publication.

      Your publication is one of the few remaining publications, where our English speaking Lithuanians can keep abreast of events and maintain their pride of being Lithuanian.

      Jon Platakis, Chairman, National
      Lithuanian American Hall of Fame
    • Creating a better image of Lithuania in the world
      Let me express my warmest greetings for such a wonderful job. I’m sure it will contribute a lot to creating a better image of Lithuania in the world. We really needed something like this long ago.
      Kristina Lukošiūtė, Lithuanian Business Confederation | ICC Lithuania
      Director of Corporate Affairs

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
Code of Ethics: See Section 2 – about VilNewsVilNews  is not responsible for content on external links/web pages.
All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.

مبلمان اداری صندلی مدیریتی صندلی اداری میز اداری وبلاگدهی گن لاغری شکم بند لاغری تبلیغات کلیکی آموزش زبان انگلیسی پاراگلایدر ساخت وبلاگ خرید بلیط هواپیما پروتز سینه پروتز باسن پروتز لب میز تلویزیون