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Sat, 9th January, 2016 - Posted by - Comments (0)

Lost Birds by Birute Putrius
Published by Birchwood Press

Lost Birds tells the stories of the generation of Lithuanians who, like lost birds, flee the advancing Soviet Army at the end of World War II. They land in displaced persons camps in Germany and later are given refuge in America.

It’s the story of their children, Irene Matas and her friends who struggle to become American and yet not lose their identity in their tight-knit Lithuanian Communities. But as they grow and spread their wings, they begin to rebel in their search for a wider world.

These stories are in turn tragic, funny, magical and elegiac. In the last story, when Lithuania regains its freedom, a group returns to visit relatives, only to find the country sadly changed by the many years of Soviet occupation. And Irene finds something surprising there.

The paperback book is $16.00, while the Kindle and Nook version is $9.99. Both can be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble online, and Booktopia in Australia.


Category : Lithuania in the world

Sun, 29th November, 2015 - Posted by - Comments (6)

We need to unite our hearts
and minds for the sake
of a new Lithuania

By Žygimantas Pavilionis,
Former Lithuanian Ambassador to the United States of America

I am deeply grateful for the exceptional honor and privilege to serve my country in Washington D.C. for five consecutive years (2010-2015). I guess it was the peak of my diplomatic career that inspired me to take my final step towards politics (I am now running for office in 2016 parliamentary elections), but most importantly, it was the period when I met and learned so much from my fellow Lithuanian Americans.

Why was this encounter so important for me personally?

First of all, I had an immediate connection to the strong and vibrant civil society of interwar independent Lithuania, preserved in Chicago and other great U.S. cities, strengthened by the great American spirit. The sense of human dignity, solidarity, Lithuanian heritage, our common mission was tremendous, inspiring, and breathtaking.


Category : Front page / Lithuania in the world

Sun, 1st November, 2015 - Posted by - Comments (11)

Have you heard about the

South African “Pencil Test”? 


By Karina Simonson

If you are not South African, then, probably, you haven’t. It is a test performed in South Africa during the apartheid regime and was used, together with the other ways, to determine racial identity, distinguishing whites from coloureds and blacks. That repressive test was very close to Nazi implemented ways to separate Jews from Aryans. Could you now imagine a Lithuanian mother, performing it on her own child?

But that is exactly what happened to me when I came back from South Africa. I will tell you how.


Category : Lithuania in the world

Fri, 30th October, 2015 - Posted by - Comments (0)

 From Chicago to Paris – then by

car through Europe to Lithuania!


By Diana Pauliūtė Clarisse
Phd in Chemistry, Chicago USA

 For about an hour now the two GPSs have been cooing two different directions.  Our Tom Tom brought from home was telling us to ”turn left when possible”, while the GPS mounted in the rental car is having us move ever Northeast.  My husband is saying we should listen to our Tom Tom.  That would have been a good idea I think as we come to an abrupt standstill.  The cars in front of us line up in a row looking like it goes on forever.  Some of the drivers are standing next to their cars chatting away with other drivers as though they had been there all day.  There must have been an accident, I say.  The time is late in the afternoon, we have been perhaps 20 hrs on the road.


Category : Front page / Lithuania in the world

Sun, 12th May, 2013 - Posted by - Comments (1)

International Lithuania
meets in Old Town!

Last Friday the summer season opened here in Vilnius Old Town, for many pleasant encounters between Lithuanians and Lithuanian-related people from all over the world! Amatininku Užeiga (The Craftsmen's Tavern) on the corner of Rotušės aikštė (Town Hall Square) and Stiklių street was the place where we met – representatives of the World Lithuanian Community, Vilnius International Club and VilNews – this warm, velvet soft early summer evening. Amazing night! Wonderful people!


Category : Lithuania in the world

UK educated Lithuanians are now returning home!

Thu, 24th January, 2013 - Posted by - Comments (0)

Lithuanians are now returning home from the UK. In cabs?
Photo: Aage Myhre.

A recent article on Lithuanians in the UK discusses how well Lithuanians integrated in the British society and made Britain their home. At the same time, the Guardian outlines a new trend of UK-educated young professionals; many are now moving back to Lithuania!

It also mentions Lithuanian government’s initiatives to encourage Lithuanians living abroad to look for opportunities back home, such as the new Junior Professionals Programme „Kurk Lietuvai“ (Eng. “Create for Lithuania”) that was initiated by Invest Lithuania.

Programme “Kurk Lietuvai” attracted a lot of attention among young Lithuanian professionals abroad and was noted by the as a fine effort to encourage the young professionals to return home. The pioneering project was successfully launched in September last year, offering one-year internships in the heart of government ministries and public institutions. “The project is aimed exclusively at young Lithuanians with degrees from the best foreign universities and will undoubtedly woo some of the brightest back”, - writes the

Lithuania promotes its highly qualified labour pool as one of the key factors attracting foreign investment to the country. Multinational companies consistently identify the high quality of staff as the most positive aspect of their experience in Lithuania.

Read the full article here


Category : Front page / Lithuania in the world

Thu, 24th January, 2013 - Posted by - Comments (1)

Great Britain is
green & glorious!

Lithuanians are now returning home from the UK. On the River Thames?
Photo: Aage Myhre

Following Lithuania’s Independence and especially after European Union and NATO membership more and more Lithuanians have chosen to live and work in the United Kingdom. There are more than 100,000 Lithuanians in London and over 200, 000 in the UK. The largest Lithuanian communities can be found in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Bradford, and in Scotland. As a result of this, there are numerous Lithuanian organisations (such as a Lithuanian newspaper, schools and Lithuanian Churches) working in the UK. If you are interested in practicing your Lithuanian or just would like to meet Lithuanians, to know more about our culture and traditions, or even to participate in some cultural events, why not try looking at these two websites: – this is the Lithuanian Embassy’s page on cultural events in the UK. This is the best place to look for information on various events. - Headley Park estate belongs to the Lithuanian community and is the hub of all cultural activities. So, if you want to experience St. John’s Day, Christmas or any other celebrations Lithuanian style you should contact them and ask for more info. Headley Estate also has a hotel, a Lithuanian food restaurant and a camping site with a lake full of fish nearby which is ideal for a summer weekend break. - official website for Lithuanian association in the UK. - this is a Lithuanian community site for Lithuanian speaking people in London, UK and Ireland. The site is available in both Lithuanian and English.

Lithuanian Communities in the UK - Lithuanian Youth Community in the UK - Midlands Lithuanian community Lithuanian community in Birmingham - Lithuanian community in Manchester - Lithuanian chamber of commerce in the UK


Category : Lithuania in the world

Sat, 17th November, 2012 - Posted by - Comments (2)

National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame

A world class novel

and Oscar worthy film



Internationally-renowned Lithuanian film director Tomas Donela, behind the film Farewell

 Anatanas Sileika, Canadian-Lithuanian author of the highly-acclaimed novel Underground 

By Jon Platakis, National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame

Electricity filled the air as the audience packed the main hall of the Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture in Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, November 3, 2012. 

As Jon Platakis, founder and chairman of the National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame which sponsored the event, began his introduction, first, second, and third generation Lithuanian Americans, along with a contingent of students from Daley College, sat in eager anticipation.


Category : Lithuania in the world

Sat, 13th October, 2012 - Posted by - Comments (1)

Lithuania’s Foreign Ministry
is committed to its “Global
Lithuania” Programme

Foreign Minister Audronius Ažubalis is personally committed to the “Global Lithuania” program and to strengthening ties with the diaspora. During a recent working visit to the United States, he made a special trip to a national gathering of the Lithuanian-American Community in Atlanta. There he told assembled delegates that Lithuania and its diaspora are one undivided and indivisible family. He also discussed practical ways and means for strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership.

When the Foreign Minister appointed Gintė Damušis to the new position of Ambassador at Large for relations with the Lithuanian World Community, he reiterated that State-diaspora relations are among the MFA’s policy priorities. Moreover, he expressed his appreciation for the work of Lithuanians abroad, who have actively contributed to the well-being, prosperity and viability of Lithuania. He also recognized the importance of past support and expressed the hope that efforts could be multiplied in the future through complementary and joint cooperation.

Read more…


Connecting Lithuania
and the diaspora

Gintė Damušis

Gintė Damušis, newly appointed Ambassador at Large for relations with the Lithuanian World Community interviewed by Aage Myhre, VilNews Editor-in-Chief

After recently completing her posting in Ottawa as Ambassador of Lithuania to Canada, Gintė Damušis returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Ambassador at Large in the Department of Lithuanians Living Abroad in charge of relations with the Lithuanian World Community.  Her duties include strengthening ties with Lithuanian organizations abroad, engaging Lithuanian communities through joint projects in the implementation of the “Global Lithuania” strategy, also rallying diaspora support for strategic Lithuanian interests. This is our interview with Ambassador Damušis.

Congratulations on your new position and duties. What is your vision for this important job?

I discussed the goals of this new assignment with the Minister.  The vision is to actively engage the diaspora by promoting joint projects and activities for maintaining Lithuanian identity through educational, cultural, economic and other programs. We want to expand connections by encouraging communities to think locally, but act globally by sharing expertise and building business and other professional networks for promoting trade, investment, scientific and other cooperation. We are encouraging direct engagement with Lithuanian civil society so that the Lithuanian people can benefit practically from more active ties with the diaspora.  More people-to-people contacts will open doors and expand horizons. Promoting volunteerism and the sustainability of diaspora activities abroad are issues that will continue to receive attention, also help raise public awareness about the diaspora.  These may sound like ambitious tasks, but many fine initiatives in the diaspora and Lithuania alike are already underway, an entire Foreign Ministry department is dedicated to facilitating this work and 13 Government agencies are mandated to support these and other programs under a “Global Lithuania” action plan. We need to build upon these initiatives, strengthen and expand these efforts, multiply their scope and impact, so that the untapped potential of the diaspora is better utilized.


Category : Lithuania in the world

Join our “Historic Route 66 Photography Forum”

Tue, 11th September, 2012 - Posted by - Comments (5)

By Rimgaudas P. Vidziunas  aka "Rim", Mesa, Arizona, USA

At a book signing that I was photographing earlier this week, I was surprised to hear that so many Europeans come to America just to tour Historic Route 66 in tour buses, rented cars and even Harley Davidson Motorcycles.  This inspired me to create "Historic Route 66 Photography Forum" for everyone to share their pictures and memories.

We share a passion for Historic Route 66, sharing our images, imagination, memories of the "Mother Road" for the world to enjoy.

U.S. Route 66 (US 66 or Route 66), also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was a highway within the U.S. Highway System. One of the original U.S. Highways, Route 66 was established on November 11, 1926—with road signs erected the following year.[2] The highway, which became one of the most famous roads in America, originally ran from Chicago, Illinois, through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, before ending at Los Angeles, covering a total of 2,448 miles (3,940 km).[3] It was recognized in popular culture by both a hit song and the Route 66 television show in the 1960s.

Route 66 served as a major path for those who migrated west, especially during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, and it supported the economies of the communities through which the road passed. People doing business along the route became prosperous due to the growing popularity of the highway, and those same people later fought to keep the highway alive in the face of the growing threat of being bypassed by the new Interstate Highway System.

Route 66 underwent many improvements and realignments over its lifetime, and it was officially removed from the United States Highway System on June 27, 1985[4] after it had been replaced in its entirety by the Interstate Highway System. Portions of the road that passed through Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico, and Arizona have been designated a National Scenic Byway of the name "Historic Route 66", which is returning to some maps.[5][6] Several states have adopted significant bypassed sections of the former US 66 into the state road network as State Route 66.


Category : Front page / Lithuania in the world


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My worldviews
broadened up and now I
was not fitting any
longer into the
Lithuanian realm. It
made me feel lost,
By Rugilė Šablinskaitė
Brussels - Belgium

For many years I have been questioning where my home is. It is quite tricky to define home in this globalized, rapidly moving world where people are so used to traveling and changing their locations within the matter of hours. However, home is this important place where we find security, inner peace and get out of our turtle's armor.

I left Lithuania when I turned 18. Inspired by my mother's stories of her youth years in a new city with new people, I also wanted to experience this time of "golden student years". Being from Vilnius (the dearest city to my heart till this very day), the only option I saw for myself was moving outside of Lithuania. So, my destination was the UK. There, for the first time in my life I felt homesick. For the first time I realized the weight and the value of the word Motherland (or Fartherland, if you prefer). I learnt about the cultural differences, systems of values, traditions, etc. And I started missing something 'mine'... When Skyping with my mother, she first started calling my changing feelings and worldviews nationalistic till it turn into a bit of chauvinistic ones. I impatiently waited for my holidays in Lithuania to come, to unite again with 'likeminded' (the idea that was planted in my soul) people, my fellow countrymen... However, when I got back to Lithuania, unfortunately, no miracle happened.

* * *
Greetings from Toronto
By Antanas Sileika,
Toronto, Canada

Toronto was a major postwar settlement centre for Lithuanian Displaced Persons, and to this day there are two Catholic parishes and one Lutheran one, as well as a Lithuanian House, retirement home, and nursing home. A new wave of immigrants has showed interest in sports.

Although Lithuanian activities have thinned over the decades as that postwar generation died out, the Lithuanian Martyrs' parish hall is crowded with many, many hundreds of visitors who come to the Lithuanian cemetery for All Souls' Day. Similarly, the Franciscan parish has standing room only for Christmas Eve mass.

Although I am firmly embedded in the literary culture of Canada, my themes are usually Lithuanian, and I'll be in Kaunas and Vilnius in mid-November 2015 to give talks about the Lithuanian translations of my novels and short stories, which I write in English.

If you have the Lithuanian language, come by to one of the talks listed in the links below. And if you don't, you can read more about my work at
* * *

Hi, I am 18, I left
Lithuania two years ago
By Cassandra Myhre
Tromsø, Norway

August 2013 was a time full of changes. It was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I did not know what to expect or look forward to. The only thing I was certain of was the pain and the complete and utter disappointment I felt when I left my friends and everything behind in Lithuania, moving to my father’s home country Norway. My name is Cassandra (18) and this is my story.

I was born grew up in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, and I absolutely adored the city. I danced ballet for 13 years in the “National Opera and Ballet Theatre”, I played the piano for 9 years, I had lots of friends at school and I was engaged in various activities. When I think about what I achieved in Lithuania I get a warm and a tender feeling inside. The memories I have are absolutely beautiful and very precious to me.

When I was 6 years old, I started going to a private school. It was hard for me, because I went to a French kindergarten before that. I cannot say that I was bullied, but I do know that many kids said things about me behind my back. I always felt like I was the outsider, but frankly, I did not mind. I remember once, one of my classmates was bullied so I took her hand and told her that I would be there for her. However, everything changed in 3rd grade when I became best friends with a new girl in class. It was fantastic. I did not know what friendship was and I could not believe how fun it was to have someone I could talk to and simply spend time with even outside of school! We were best friends until 7th grade when I decided to change school. My friend did not want to leave my side, so she did the same. It was amazing, I mean, we were so close that we even changed schools together. But all good things come to an end. She decided to get some new friends and once again I was left behind. It was horrible. I never felt lonelier. But what I did not know was that my classmate Greta would become one of the most important people in my life (she is my best friend until this day).

Read more…
* * *
Greetings from Australia!
By Jura Reilly
Victoria, Australia

Approximately 10,000 Lithuanians arrived in Australia after World War 2 from refugee camps in Germany. Previously, a small number arrived in the 1800s and then later after World War 1. Lithuanian communities were established in the capital cities of Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney. These cities host the bi-annual Lithuanian Days Festival on a rotating basis. Smaller communities were established in Albury, Brisbane, Canberra, Geelong, Hobart, Newcastle, Perth, and Wollongong. The three major centres accounted for about 86% of Lithuanian settlements, with the minor centres for another 10%, with the remainder scattered about the rest of Australia. Lithuanians built their clubs as well as their own houses. In South Australia, Lithuanians built a museum as well as their own church and had Lithuanian priests appointed. Dancing groups, choirs, scouts, sports teams and theatrical troupes were formed. Saturday language schools, staffed by volunteers, flourished. Committees organized concerts to mark special Lithuanian cultural events.

Most Lithuanian refugees who came to Australia between 1947- 1953 were single men and women or young families. The Australian government needed manpower after the war to replace the men killed in battle. Often young men migrated first and then sponsored their parents and younger siblings. They were housed in disused army barracks like those in Bonegilla near the border of Victoria and New South Wales. These corrugated iron structures were freezing in winter and hot in summer Irrespective of their professions. Lithuanians together with Latvian and Estonian migrants, had to work for two years wherever the Australian government sent them to pay back the cost of their journey and for their food and lodging. Men were usually were sent to farms or to cut sugar cane in the tropical state of Queensland, others to the Hydroelectric Snowy Mountain Scheme in New South Wales. Women mainly worked as domestic servants, or as factory hands or in hospitals as cleaners or cooks. The majority of Lithuanians were eventually granted Australian citizenship.

Known for their generosity, Australian Lithuanians have and continue to host and billet Lithuanian basketballers from America and Lithuania, also politicians and entertainers from Lithuania. Huge numbers of people turned out to meet and greet President Valdas Adamkus whenever he visited Australia.

Known for their generosity, Australian Lithuanians have and continue to host and billet Lithuanian basketballers from America and Lithuania, also politicians and entertainers from Lithuania. Huge numbers of people turned out to meet and greet President Valdas Adamkus whenever he visited Australia.

Nowadays, Lithuanian communities have their own Facebook pages, for example Lithuanians in Australia, Lithuanians in Western Australia, Lithuanians in South Australia, Lithuanians in Brisbane, Sydney Lithuanian Club and Melbourne Lithuanian Club. Many also belong to Facebook groups like “Baltics in Australia’’ and “Baltica”. For more information about Lithuanians in Australia, you can read Luda Popenhagen’s book, “Australian Lithuanians”:

This year a blog was started to collate material about the history of Lithuanians in Australia by Jonas Mockunas:

Jura Reilly’, Victoria, Australia.
Founder of FB group Baltica
Author of “A Wolf at Our Door”

* * *
Greetings from Texas!
By Bernard Terway,
Texas, USA

When one thinks of Texas, the least expected thing that would come to mind is that there are actually Lithuanians in Texas! It turns out that some of the earliest settlers from Lithuania came to Texas with their Prussian neighbors and established themselves here. Most thought they were German, probably because Texas was highly populated by Germans. Recently, within the past 25 years or so, it has been established that there were Lithuanians among the German population.

Here is a link to a video about them:

There is also a historical marker about the first Lithuanians in Texas:

There are also two large, active groups of Lithuanians, on in Houston, Lithuanian American Community of Houston and one in San Antonio.

* * *

Greetings from Venezuela!
By Vytenis Folkmanas,
Architect, Cracas, Venezuela

With great joy and enthusiasm I have just received the news that Vilnews will be restarted – now in its second stage. I´ve been for many years an avid reader of all items on the web page and on the VilNews Facebook pages.

I am constantly sharing the articles with the Lithuanian Community of Venezuela, from where I'm writing and from where I send Aage and his team my best wishes and success in this new release of VilNews.

Our community is very small, unfortunately, and it has been greatly reduced over the latest years, but we refuse to disappear and have therefore been maintaining the traditions and customs that our grandparents and parents taught us through all the activities organized by our Community.

These are some of our activities: Commemoration of the Independence celebration of Easter, Christmas, Boy Scout groups, theater, basketball teams, folk dance groups, exchanges with other communities, language training, etc.

VilNews has helped us with Lithuania related articles, to continue to feel proud of having Lithuanian blood in our veins, and keep teaching our youth of its magnificent history, of its people around the world and the mark that it has left in all of us Lithuanians scattered around the world.

Greetings to all Lithuanians around the world: From Venezuela we send many greetings to all our countrymen around the world and we are sure and confident that through VilNews we will always be connected, joined and updated on all matters relating to our country, so we thank Aage and his team for their wonderful work and we hope you never get tired!

In whatever collaboration you need from us, the Lithuanian Community of Venezuela, within its limits, will always be happy and eager to help and support you ... lots of SUCCESS !!

Kindest regards, wishing you the best!

Vytenis Folkmanas

Read more…
* * *

      Dear VilNews readers,

      Rimantas Aukstuolis (see below) believes there are many Lithuanian-Americans who would like to retire in Lithuania, while Gintautas Kaminskas thinks "the shocks" you have to expect makes such an idea less attractive.

      I think Rimantas is right that moving here for retirement is a good idea and that you may well enjoy many, many years in your home country's warm embrace. At the same time I give Gintautas right that there are obstacles that could easily topple such plans.

      I do therefore offer, hereby, to help anyone who plans to retire in Lithuania. I have lived here for 20 years (I'm originally Norwegian), and I must say that I most of the time have been very pleased and happy.

      I've managed to get through the problem areas Gintautas refers to, and I have an infinite number of good friends and interesting tasks that make life here extraordinary interesting and attractive.

      I am ready to share my many experiences with you who would like to move here or just visit for shorter periods, and I am willing to tell you which experts you should seek advice from, being it within legal, health care or other fields.

      I can also help you to find a new home.

      Call me or write me if you find this interesting. To retire in Lithuania is a brilliant idea, and I promise to help you getting things in place in an excellent way.

      Warm Regards,
      Aage Myhre

      Makes me wish I were old enough to retire...:)
      The Baltic looks MUCH calmer in this photo than it did when I was there in July 2007...Makes me wish I were old enough to retire...:)
      Jenifer C. Dillis

      My impression is that many of us Lithuanian-Americans have thought about the possibility of retiring in Lithuania

      Rimantas Aukstuolis

      Dear Editor,
      I enjoy reading VilNews and, VilNews seems to touch on, if not already delve into, a variety of issues which are relevant to someone who may wish to retire in Lithuania. It might be interesting for much of your readership to more sharply focus on specific retirement issues such as comparisons and advantages of retiring in Lithuania, vs. the US. This seems to be evolving as a hot topic in the US as many baby boomers face the reality of high living costs (particularly healthcare) and diminished pension resources.

      Detailed and systematic comparisons of living costs, tax issues, health care and real estate ownership might even result in significant "foreign investment" into Lithuania by foreign, especially US retirees. My impression is that many of us Lithuanian-Americans have thought about this possibility. I know several who have taken action. Perhaps such "dreams" should be encouraged with facts, experiences, even government incentives. Thoughts?
      Rimantas Aukstuolis
      Cleveland, Ohio, USA

      Trying to retire in Lithuania is in for not just "a shock", but a number of shocks

      Gintautas Kaminskas

      Rimantas Aukštuolis asks for other readers' on the possibility of retiring in Lithuania. Well, I tried to (2008-9). I'm deliberately not going to go into specific details of my case (that's personal), but I have to say from my experience that any Lithuanian-American (and it's not just Americans, don't forget that there are Lithuanians in other parts of the world, too) who tries to retire in Lithuania is in for not just "a shock", but a number of shocks. By the way, I happen to speak fluent Lithuanian (I am a professional translator). That certainly helps in some ways, but it's no help against the myriad of problems confronting present-day Lithuania, which are mostly to do with the lingering Soviet mentality ("naglumas - antra laimė").

      Living costs are lower there, but the health care system is a nightmare. You won't even get the health care you're entitled to as a Lithuanian citizen without paying bribes, and as a foreigner you're "fair game". Real estate ownership? Make sure you have a very good lawyer. Government incentives? Which Government? The Lithuanian Government? As the kids say these days: "LOL". From the lowliest local or State government officials right up to some Seimūnai (Members of Parliament) and Cabinet Ministers - corruption reigns. They enter Government "service" asking not what they can do for their country but what they can get for No. 1. (For anyone not familiar with the English idiom - No. 1 is "moi", me, myself, I - and my family and friends and clan to some extent.) That's the reality. You only need to follow the Lithuanian media to realise that what I'm saying is the truth and no exaggeration.

      Just for the record, I am still in love with my native land and would still love to live there: theoretically (lengthy visits will have to suffice). It's green, beautifully uncrowded, lots of nice lakes and streams, and I have no problem with the climate, not even in winter. It's wonderful to meet thoughtful Lithuanians and to communicate with them in our native language. But .... see above.
      Gintautas Kaminskas

      An issue for elderly seeking to reconnect with families and younger professionals who seek to participate in the economies

      Tony Mazeika

      Relocation back to Lithuania will only be an issue for elderly seeking to reconnect with families and younger professionals who seek to participate in the economies. The vast majority of "diaspora" have citizenship from their adopted nations like the US, Canada, Australia. Ironically, the real issue is the continuing alarming emigration of young educated from Lithuania to the UK, US, Canada, etc. The numbers are a threat to the developing economy and future political stability of Lithuania. That void could be made up with people within the EU including Muslims.
      Tony Mazeika
    • I can only hope that we all will work together
      I was raised to have a very positive view of our ancestral homeland, and hope that we can avoid polarizing Emigres and Lithuanian citizens. I have always felt welcome when I visit, but have personally never attempted to do business. This could be a difficult process, and one that creates tension. I can only hope that we all work together for a successful and sustainable economy.

      Jurate Kutkus Burns,
      Florida, USA
    • “We have met the enemy and he is us!”
      Dear Editor
      There has been a lot of negative commentary in Vilnews recently from some of your readers and even from Regina Narusiene in the recent piece about the need for change in attitudes toward what the Lithuanian diaspora can do for the country and what volunteerism can do within Lithuania. I guess I don't disagree at all, however…

      Sitting here on the shores of Lake Erie in Cleveland I'm reminded of the battle flag of Commander Oliver Hazard Perry, USN during the decisive battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812. On the blue flag were the words "Don't Give Up the Ship" which he had to transfer from his sinking flagship to the sistership, Niagara. Commander Perry ultimately won that battle against the Royal Navy and altered the military balance on the Great Lakes. In his report to superiors he stated "We have met the enemy and they are ours".

      To all my Lithuanian friends and friends of Lithuania I exhort "Don't Give Up the Ship" . And especially to my Lithuanian friends I quote the "Pogo" cartoon paraphrase of Perry " We have met the enemy and he is us!" Maybe our modern Lithuanian example of heroism needs to be Bishop Valancius who came to the conclusion that in the mid 19th century Lithuanians needed to sober up before they came to any national reawakening or effective resistance to Russian domination.

      Dealing with Russian occupation, as difficult as it was, may have been easier than dealing with ourselves. But we have sort of been here before, haven't we? Onward!

      Rimantas Aukstuolis,
      Cleveland, Ohio, USA
    • The 2nd FBI Director (1912-1919)Lithuanian-American Alexander Bruce Bielaski was born in Montgomery County, Maryland. He received a law degree from George Washington University in 1904 and joined the Department of Justice that same year. Like his predecessor Mr. Finch, Mr. Bielaski worked his way up through the department. He served as a special examiner in Oklahoma where he "straightened out the court records" and aided in the reorganization of Oklahoma's court system when the Oklahoma territory became a state. Returning to Washington, Mr. Bielaski entered the Bureau of Investigation and rose to become Mr. Finch's assistant. In this position he was in charge of administrative matters for the Bureau. At the end of April 1912, Attorney General Wickersham appointed Mr. Bielaski to replace Mr. Finch. As chief, Mr. Bielaski oversaw a steady increase in the resources and responsibilities assigned to the Bureau....
    • Lithuania needs writing in EnglishI am positive that Lithuania - not only the expats who live there - need writing in English. A lot of it. As much as possible, really.

      The presence of a vibrant expat community, which is closely linked with Lithuanians or half-Lithuanians (if I may use this term), who have spent many years overseas and had been exposed to Western culture, is critical as an ultimate mind-opener.

      I have always been going against the flow in that I said good things about the Lithuanians who go abroad for a year, for five years or even for good. In Lithuania, it is often seen as a disaster and an exodus of biblical proportions with similarly apocalyptic implications. I see it as a natural part of being a free country. Even if it leads to some transformations that may even be irreversible, such as compromises over what is seen as Lithuanian ethnic purity (which is an artificial and doubtful construct anyway, in my view) or a changer of the Lithuanian identity, emigration is good because it opens the mind and creates new patterns of thinking. It opens up angles which people have not thought about. It changes the way that parts of the society interact with each other and their relationship with the government, the establishment, the educational elite....
    • How US journalists helped stop Russian tanks in VilniusHow much more blood would have been shed in Lithuania, had news about the Soviet aggression not reached the outside world? In commemorating January 13, US journalists still wonder why the Soviets did not expel them from Vilnius....


TODAY: From Carl Thomas Carlsten in Telemark, Norway

VilNews is hereby inviting the honorary consuls of Lithuania around the world to write commentary articles. What we want to learn more about is what characterizes the cooperation between Lithuania and the area the consul represents. We would also like to know more about the consul's connections with Lithuania, and we are eager to listen to his or her thoughts and opinions on current topics and news from Lithuania.

First to write, is the Honorary Consul of Lithuania to Telemark County in Norway, Mr. Carl. Thomas Carlsten.
Click here to read his article...

It is unbelievable what you have accomplished - created the best English language news forum about Lithuania and Lithuanians. Simply amazing!!

Vytautas Sliupas, P.E. Burlingame, California, USA

I will read you much and often

I try to follow all the English "press" from the Baltic Times to "English".
FINALLY I discover you! AND..... you place an article on Feb 16th Lithuanian Independence on the FRONT PAGE and feature an absolutely marvellous "historical" section. BRAVO! Its about time! All too often "historical" news and commemorations in Lithuania seem to be taken for granted - as if everyone there wasn't interested or already knew about it. The fact is most of us are STARVED for this kind of information and even regular English speaking tourists need historical perspective to truly appreciate Lithuanian culture - if only to help understand a tragic and fragmented history.
I will read you much and often.  I own a flat in Vilnius and just returned to the USA after spending a month there.   I will visit you next time I am in town.
Edward Kestas Reivydas,
M&R Americana Insurance Service Inc Santa Monica, California, USA

Far away from home, we need a publication different from the mainstream news

Congratulations with VilNews! Far away from home, we need a publication different from the mainstream news portals, which are often permeated with negative attitude and serving narrow, short-term interests. Your interest to history and the international dimension of Lithuania has made your previous publications a very engaging reading. I trust VilNews will remain enthusiastic, honest and insightful. Please rest assured that you have a dedicated reader in Africa.
Paulius Kulikauskas, Nairobi, Kenya

Informative and well-balanced news forum

Your dedication to this e-magazine is remarkable. Thank you for providing such an informative and well-balanced news forum.
Jurate Burns, Destin Library Director Destin, Florida, USA

Excellent presentation and wealthy content

Congratulations - excellent presentation and wealthy content of your new VilNews !!
Best regards from Chicago - Jonas Pabedinskas

Labai gerai, graziai ir idomei sudetas

Excellent publication. You folks have outdone yourselves. Labai gerai, graziai ir idomei sudetas.Aciu Labai,
Rimantas Orlauskis , aka Orlauskas  (Colorado), USA Retired: US Forest Service, Girninkas

I greatly appreciate you courage

A hearty congratulations on launch of your new e-publication! I've already read parts of the first edition, and I look forward to future instalments. While I enjoy every bit of VilNews, I greatly appreciate your interest and courage in publishing articles on tough subjects. My connection with Lithuania? My grandfather emigrated to the US from a small village near Siauliai in 1912, and today I find myself as a member of the board of directors for the Auksuciai Foundation.
Ted Shapas, Alamo, California

Lithuanian events around the world

One of the most important events ever for the Lithuanian American communities took place in Washington in 1990, in a protest against Soviet policies concerning the Baltic States.

The event calendar will be constantly updated, showing what goes on of meetings and events within the different clubs, chambers and organisations dealing with the Lithuanian diasporas around the globe.
Each organisation will be presented by logo, address, email, telephone – and of course the name/time of the event in question.

Please contact us with details about YOUR event!

Write to:

Information for Lithuanians staying or living abroad

The following website gives you an overview of emergency numbers you can call – wherever in the world you are – to police, fire service and ambulance.

Lithuania's Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts around the world

Famous international Lithuanians

This column will bring stories of Lithuanians who have done some remarkable work outside their home country - some historical legends, others living individuals who have achieved honour and dignity in the arts, business, politics, etc. We start the series with the story of Alexander Bruce Bielaski. Few, even in Lithuania, know the story of the man who played such an important role in starting FBI, the U.S. federal police force, 100 years ago.

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
Code of Ethics: See Section 2 – about VilNewsVilNews  is not responsible for content on external links/web pages.
All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.

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