

26 March 2025
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  • […] experts, telling us about the many similarities to Lithuanian language… We have travelled through 26 European countries and found lots of Lithuanian footsteps… We have been to South Africa to speak to the enormous […]

    August 20 2012
    • valdas

      RE: Our January Europe tour has come to its end.

      Right in time, my friend; just as Davos 2012 ends!

      Pls forgive some sarcasm but very unlikely EU countries, like the Soviet communist exploited and impoverished Lithuania, have long showed the way to Europe by adopting serious austerity policies that go almost to the point of "eating the dog food", to use a hyperbole. Unfortunately, this good model that Davos 2012 has been looking so desperately for (and could not find) is drowned in the cacophony of bureaucratic screams around bailing out Greece and other profligate countries that are, so far at least, the true winners in Europe! The whole Europe will soon "go to the dogs"; so your Journey was not a month too soon, Aage.

      My advice now: invest in the European dog food:) Regards. Valdas Samonis, Toronto.

      January 27 2012


      VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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      All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.

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