

26 March 2025
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As long as VilNews exists, there is hope for the future

Dr. Irena Veisaite, Chairwoman of the
VilNews Honorary Council

Professor Irena Veisaite, Chairwoman of our Honorary Council, has asked us to convey her heartfelt greetings to the other Council Members and to all readers of VilNews.

“My love and best wishes to all. As long as VilNews exists, there is hope for the future,” she writes.

Irena Veisaite means very much for our publication, and we do hereby thank her for the support and wise commitment she always shows. You can read our interview with her HERE.

Category : About VilNews / Featured black / Front page
  • HassanHamayun

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    July 18 2016
    • HassanHamayun

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      July 18 2016
      • HassanHamayun

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        July 18 2016
        • HassanHamayun

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          July 18 2016
          • HassanHamayun

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            July 18 2016
            • HassanHamayun

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              July 18 2016


              VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
              Code of Ethics: See Section 2 – about VilNewsVilNews  is not responsible for content on external links/web pages.
              All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.

              مبلمان اداری صندلی مدیریتی صندلی اداری میز اداری وبلاگدهی گن لاغری شکم بند لاغری تبلیغات کلیکی آموزش زبان انگلیسی پاراگلایدر ساخت وبلاگ خرید بلیط هواپیما پروتز سینه پروتز باسن پروتز لب میز تلویزیون