

26 March 2025
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The power of words
This short film illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world.

Homage to Historia de un letrero, The Story of a Sign by Alonso Alvarez Barreda Music by: Giles Lamb Filmed by Director Seth Gardner. Cast: Bill Thompson, Beth Miller

VilNews: Almost 200,000 visitors in only nine months!

Speaking of the word power: Our VilNews e-magazine has now been online for nine months. When we started the experts said that we probably would reach a readership of around 10 to 15,000 per year. It is therefore with great pleasure we can reveal that we already are approaching 200,000 visits, an incredibly large and gratifying number! We thank you, dear readers, for the enormous interest you are showing VilNews every single day!

Category : About VilNews / Featured black / Front page
  • HassanHamayun

    Laws regarding Attraction claim that we are typically continually securing things in our life which might be consistent when using the energy we’re putting towards world.

    July 18 2016
    • HassanHamayun

      The recession brings considerably more shocking news on a daily basis. This few days was hardly any different mainly because executives as a result of General Machines, Ford, and Chrysler arrived in Washington from other corporate airplane to demand their share on the $700 mil Troubled Learning resource Relief Approach.

      July 18 2016
      • HassanHamayun

        Intended for style aficionados, work in fashion stands out as the perfect task; a possible opportunity to influence way of life and change the best way a state dresses daily and nights. Read onto make sure branch on the fashion industry can be right for yourself.

        July 18 2016
        • HassanHamayun

          Winter is a good season from the Grand Canyon National Park. One of many great reasons behind winter local weather is the fact that air is usually superior, which often creates good sightseeing, as well as weather will be nice together with cool by around 45 degrees.

          July 18 2016
          • HassanHamayun

            The term helpful to explain certainly where an company wishes to visit after some time is it’s Approach. “Strategy” is frequently seen because domain on the military or perhaps big corporation, not small enterprise. However, strategy together with thinking strategically is quite a bit more critical for a small company.

            July 18 2016
            • HassanHamayun

              How might you keep your enterprise growing? This may very well be the most significant challenges running a business – how one can keep these people stable together with growing fast on a yearly basis.

              July 18 2016


              VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
              Code of Ethics: See Section 2 – about VilNewsVilNews  is not responsible for content on external links/web pages.
              All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.

              مبلمان اداری صندلی مدیریتی صندلی اداری میز اداری وبلاگدهی گن لاغری شکم بند لاغری تبلیغات کلیکی آموزش زبان انگلیسی پاراگلایدر ساخت وبلاگ خرید بلیط هواپیما پروتز سینه پروتز باسن پروتز لب میز تلویزیون