

30 March 2025
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A native American who loves Lithuania!

It is the 30th of March today. It is exactly 22 years since American Marie Sandler (pictured) married Lithuanian Jonas. He passed away in 1996, but Marie was already completely in love with Lithuania. It's a love she maintains to this day. Below you can read her love letter to her deceased husband's home country.

Dear Lithuania,

Ever since I got connected to you, my love for the culture and people of Lithuania has been on a daily increase.

I was born into a Christian family in Urbandale Iowa in United States and grew up as a normal American girl with good parental upbringing. One day, I met a man and for the first time hearing about a country called Lithuania.

I fell in love with this man, followed him to his home country to see and learn the beautiful culture of Lithuania. After some time my love for the man became wider, something more than an ordinary feeling – and I soon felt I became part of a hidden history of a country that once was the symbol of Europe, with an extremely well developed diplomacy and intelligent wisdom long before today's famous European nations came to such ideas. Through recognizing this small Baltic country, I felt that the background of my new love also got me into an older knowledge, something hard to define, but something that still today represents the mystery of Lithuania, a country like no other country.

I married him, but to a certain degree also Lithuania, the soil of ancient wisdom...

I, as an American, got into something I still today cannot fully explain. When he passed away, I could have forgotten Lithuania, but I didn't because his soul, and his country's soul still bells in my ears.

The smell of the Lithuanian soil makes me cry and smile and then I look up to the sky and realized that home is truly where the mind is.

Lithuania is a home. I love Lithuania.

Marie Sandler
Director, Bulldogs Petroleum Corporation (BPC)

Category : Blog archive
  • Cowboy Mike

    I have known you Marie from High school days. Your father Daniel was a Lecturer at the Drake University and your mother was a Church teacher. I remember the sunday evening Barbeque. I miss the beautiful old good days. I miss your kind and loving father. I miss the teachings of your mum. Unfortunately I never listened and now perhaps I wish I can turn back the hands of time. Hope we catch up soon and please call me when next you visit Urbandale. Thanks again for the help you gave my daughter during her visit to UK. God bless

    December 11 2012
    • Monika Grabo

      Madam, just to say hello and greetings from Geneva

      December 11 2012
      • Jones Barnita

        Dear Mrs Marie Sandler, You do not know me but you were nice to me. You employed me in your company and gave me hope t live. Today I have a happy family because of your kindness. You are indeed my hero. Thanks alot

        December 11 2012
        • Dr Grace Marte

          Hello Marie, a big hug from all members of Iowa Women Congress (IWC). We are proud of you. Well done!

          December 08 2012
          • Adele

            Hello Madam, Jonas has done us good by meeting a noble and famous generous philanthropist like you. You have brought so much joy and happiness to us. Thank you Marie

            December 02 2012
            • Dr. Lambert

              Hello Mrs Marie Sandler, we are delighted for giving scholarship to 9 of our poor youths. We say may God bless you. Thanks for your kind heart and good spirit. We love you

              December 02 2012
              • Algirdas J

                Thank you Marie, mum says thank you, we love you so much

                December 01 2012
                • Algirdas J

                  Hello Marie, this is a wonderful interview. I am glad you still remember us as your in-laws. We all love you and we appreciate all you have done in our family.

                  December 01 2012
                  • charles meilak

                    Hi Marie I have read your letter and I was very touched with your warm words. I know nothing about this place so I will now fetch it and try to learn more about its culture and people. Many thanks for your information

                    August 15 2012


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