

30 March 2025
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US-Lithuanian Facebook sites do a superb job!

Visit: LT NEWS

Visit: America LTV

Visit: Our Moms'
Lithuanian Recipes

Visit: The Lithuanian Rat Pack

“In this new media age, there is a growing population interested in Lithuania and its culture. provides a simple, easy-to-access platform with a social media aspect that has re-shaped the way people can seek a topic of interest.”

This write the enthusiasts behind the site and the Facebook page LT NEWS in their introduction to the page. They represent one of many new social media in the United States with Lithuania as the main theme. Combined, these sites have revived a strong, energetic interest in the home country here at the southern shore of the Baltic Sea.

There are many, many more than the four we mentioned above, and there are similar sites in many other countries. Please contact us if you represent one of these sites, and we will eventually put together a more comprehensive overview and presentation here in VilNews.

Category : Featured black / Lithuania in the world
  • jeannedavid0

    This is an incredible rousing article.I am essentially satisfied with your great work.You put truly supportive data. Keep it up. Support Page

    March 01 2016
    • Boris Bakunas

      My apologies for leaving out the last word in my comment. The final sentence should read: "So join in the fun of sharing your knowledge with all people who are interested in the country that stunned the world by bringing the Soviet Union down."

      April 24 2012
      • Boris Bakunas

        The National American Lithuanian Hall of Fame, a non-profit organization, has a Facebook Page that posts a variety of information of interest to Lithuanians around the world. It has posts about famous Americans who trace their family roots to Lithuania. Did you know that singer-song-writer Bob Dylan's maternal grandparents came from Lithuania? Or that United States Senate Majority Whip (Assistant Majority Leader) Dick Durbin is half-Lithuanian?

        The Facebook Page of the National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame also posts a variety of information of interest to Lithuanians around the world. You'll find songs by Rasa Serra, posts about recently published books like Ruta Sepetys' "Between Shades of Gray" and Ellen Cassedy's "We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust. And you'll even learn that recently ranked Lithuanian women among the most beautiful in the world, calling their beauty "unimaginable." As for men, just check out some of the famous actors on the NLAHF Facebook page and see for yourselves.

        Everyone is welcome to post on the NLAHF Facebook site. So join in the fun of sharing your knowledge with all people who are interested in the country that stunned the world by bringing the Soviet Union.

        Dr. Boris Bakunas, PhD

        April 24 2012


        VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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        All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.

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