

20 May 2024
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I was extremely gratified to see your issue on South Africa

Dr. Romas J. Misiunas

I was extremely gratified to see your recent issue on South Africa. Most of the Litvaks whom you identify specifically had been quite helpful to me in re-establishing ties with the land of their forebears. I am honoured to have had the opportunity to meet almost all of them. Some have become good friends. And I fully hope that the renewal ties with the country of their origins will prove quite beneficial to many in this rapidly intermingling world.

When I initially learned about such a situation of largely forgotten ”roots,” not long after taking up residence in Tel Aviv, I realized the extent to which these ties spanned a century and more. The efforts to increase awareness of them in Lithuania itself remain an ongoing process and forms another story in itself. Thank you for your contribution.

I much admire your efforts to promote knowledge about this country, especially in the far flung corners of the world.

Dr. Romas J. Misiunas
Ambassador of Lithuania
(former Ambassador of Lithuania to Israel and South Africa)

Category : Opinions

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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