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Audrius Simaitis
VilNews invites you to participate in a discussion about Lithuania’s health care system.
Introduction by Audrius Simaitis,
Consultant Cardiologist at Royal Cornwall Hospital, UK.
One of the things that strikes one the most in Lithuania is the fact that management’s mentality in the health care system has undergone little change since Soviet times. This is out of proportion in comparison with other fields like education and business.
Any outsider would immediately ask: why?
The answer most probably could be found comparing the State owned medical field with the predominantly private sector of odontology.
The State owned medical field is ineffective, tarnished by corruption. National and European surveys reveal the public in general is significantly dissatisfied. Physicians are happy neither with salary levels nor with working conditions. The emigration rates of the doctors are increasingly in worrying proportions.
To read more and comment, go to Section 3 – CHAT AND DICUSS!…
For almost 20 years patients and doctors in Lithuania have been waiting for a major shift in the governmental attitude towards health care and, even more importantly, a well-designed and considered reform to address the inherited Soviet-style problems. The government and health care leaders kept saying: give us money and we will reform our health care.
A lot has been given through various international funds. Nothing major has happened. Quite the contrary. Most of the latest health care statistics show that the situation is unchanged or is becoming even worse.
Unfortunately, Vilnius does not rank high on any list of wheelchair accessible cities. We rarely see any wheelchair users in the city. When we do, they are invariably manual wheelchairs. We have yet to see a power wheelchair or a mobility scooter in Vilnius.
Having worked in the Pharmaceutical industry for over 15 years, I have seen and gotten to know more doctors than most. I know that there are many doctors who are good at treating the disease but not so good at treating the patient. There are other doctors who are very good with patients, but are sometimes lacking in their medical skills. To find a doctor who is good at both is unfortuately rare.
I have a found a doctor who is not only good at both, he is perhaps the best doctor I have ever met. His name is Dr Cervin.
The most famous Lithuanian SPA town – Druskininkai in Southern Lithuania, famous for its mineral water and remarkably nice environs, is only one of several SPA spots in this country! We invite you to indulge yourself in an outstanding exotic SPA treatments and dive into the sea of SPA pleasures. Massage masters will reveal you the ancient secrets of relaxation, while aromatic bathtubs and various baths will help you to regain your strengths after a hard working day. SPA treatments revive your skin, pamper your body and calm your spirit.
VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the editors:
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