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Christmas bazaar!


Saturday 4 December in the Old City Hall (Rotušė), Vilnius 



Mark your calendar. Saturday the 4th of December is the day when the entire international community in Vilnius will meet  in the Old City Hall (Rotušė) to show their good support for those who so dearly need our help and attention. The Bazaar will be open 11-16, and there will be a lot to experience, so please take your time and enjoy the warm pre-Christmas mood!



Get ready to open your wallet, a new Christmas

Charity Bazaar is just around the corner!

Text: Giedre Gabriele Paliusyte

Photo: Irina Tuminiene


Mark your calendar. Saturday the 4th of December is the day when the entire international community in Vilnius will meet in the Old City Hall (Rotušė) to show their good support for those who so dearly need our help and attention. The Bazaar will be open 11-16, and there will be a lot to experience, so please take your time and enjoy the warm pre-Christmas mood!

The International Women’s Association of Vilnius (IWAV) has been organizing charitable events in Lithuania for more than ten years. The association that brings together wives of the ambassadors and businessmen that are currently residing in Lithuania and women members from Lithuania, are busy preparing for its annual Christmas Charity Bazaar.

On the 9th of November the upcoming annual Christmas Charity Bazaar was presented at a reception held at the Greek embassy. Representatives from the embassies of Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Japan, China and Germany presented their customs, traditional dishes, handmade Christmas souvenirs and were promising more surprises during the fair.

Residents and visitors of Vilnius for a symbolic entrance fee of 3 litas will have a unique opportunity to discover the Christmas traditions of different countries, to buy interesting Christmas gifts, to enjoy food, handicraft, souvenirs and share the festive mood. The Christmas Bazaar is expanding, and more countries are participating every year - this year more than thirty countries including Lithuania will be represented at the fair. Four international schools: Vilnius international school, American international school of Vilnius, French Secondary School of Vilnius and Polish International School ‘Mažasis Princas’ will also present their Christmas stands.

The main purpose of the event is to collect money for charity and support organizations in need. This year all the proceeds of the occasion collected from the lotteries and sales will be fully donated to the Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital’s Pediatric clinic, to the Residential house of Vilnius for children and young people, to the "Ekklesia" charity foundation, to the Vilnius University Children Hospital, to the "Kijėlių" Special Education Center, to the" Alanta" nursing home for elderly people and to the Children and Youth Day Center "Mūsų nameliai".

Alma Adamkienė continues to be the patron of the Christmas Charity Bazaar. This year Lithuanian actress Gabija Ryškuvienė is a goodwill ambassador.


Programme of the International Christmas Charity Bazaar 2010

09.30 – official opening ceremony with the patron of the Bazaar, Ms. Alma Adamkienė

11.00 – opening of the International Christmas Charity Bazaar for residents and guests of Vilnius

15.00 – lottery ceremony

16.00 – closing ceremony of the International Christmas Charity Bazaar 2010


Category : Blog archive

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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