

24 February 2025
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Connecting intl Lithuania


Connecting Lithuania- related people around the globe, giving them a say




You may add me to your list of potential investors. I think that your Internet media idea is very timely, very exciting and could garner large support from the sizeable Lithuanian diasporas. An expanded VilNews project could include features from Lithuanians and notes on Lithuanian events from around the world. It could also promote contacts for travelers, cultural events and performances, and tie in to the

activities of the widespread state diplomatic embassies.

There is great potential here. Good luck.

Algis Ratnikas

California, USA



More and more Lithuanians turn their backs to their home country. The wave of residents who have left or want to leave from here is growing day by day. The bright spots in economics and business are very few.

Parents with children in primary school are looking desperately for opportunities of further education abroad as the Lithuanian school system does not provide a satisfactory basis for future jobs. Health Service is also struggling with serious problems. Pessimism is spreading rapidly, and there are not many signs that the country's politicians are able to tidy up and clean the 'Lithuanian House' where dirt and dust from the Soviet times still lie in every corner. 

Fewer and fewer see a future for themselves and their children in this once proud country, and there is no indication that those who have already moved to the West will come back. Many descendants of those who emigrated in connection with World War II have not even been visiting their ancestral country. The national feeling among young Lithuanians around the world fades each day that passes. 

- Is there then nothing that can be done to reverse this negative trend? I think there is. 

But first we need to get back optimism and faith in the nation called Lithuania. The Lithuanian people must once again begin to believe that joint efforts with common goals are not useless, and that the future will be far brighter if we all are working together to reach concrete goals. 

One important step would be if Lithuania's political leaders began to consider absolutely all of Lithuanian background, wherever in the world they live, as full and equal citizens. The country's diasporas represent invaluable brain-power and should be invited 'back to the family'. An extensive bridge-building should be undertaken without any further hesitation.

'Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,' said President Kennedy in his inaugural address in 1961. Such a speech should also President Grybauskaitė make, but first she should proclaim that Lithuania’s leaders will be the ones taking the first step; showing the good example, cleaning the ‘Lithuanian House’ and start demonstrating that they are ready to do their very best for Lithuanians around the globe.

Still, the politicians can not really do much more than to facilitate.  The real action must come from the Lithuanians themselves. 

My little contribution to renewed optimism, bridge building and constructive criticism of the negligent sins that still characterize this nation, is the publication you are now reading. In VilNews of 16 March I invited you, our readers, to participate as shareholders in a further development of this venture. My wish would be that VilNews should be developed as a permanent web page with the aim of better linking Lithuanian groups in every corner of the globe to each other and their home country Lithuania. 

Algis Ratnikas describes this well in his above letter.

For VilNews to get the necessary position and recognition as an international, interactive meeting place and an honest, professional media for Lithuania-related issues, there must in my opinion be a broad and solid group of shareholders from around the world standing behind it. Then we can, together and with weight, be pointing out issues we believe should be addressed in this country and for Lithuanian nationals around the globe. I believe we this way, in joint spirit, slowly could begin to rebuild the optimism that the country now so desperately needs.

If you, your company, or your circle of friends and acquaintances wish to consider becoming co-owners of VilNews, I ask you to contact me so that I can explain more in detail how I think we best can develop it as a publication and a mouthpiece for Lithuanians and Lithuanian related issues worldwide.

I appreciate very much the letters of interest I already have received from some of you, and I hope we together, already over the next few weeks can reach the initial goal of having around 50 Lithuania-related shareholders from around the world investing $2000 each.

None of us are going to get rich on this commitment and investment, but we can together make VilNews a significant tool for optimism, integrity, transparency, professionalism and increased contact to and between Lithuanians and Lithuanian issues around the world. The internet gives us just that opportunity.


Your early feedback would be appreciated…


Aage Myhre



Category : Blog archive

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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