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Lithuanian tourism





Palanga Pier 


Let me be clear: this picture does not show the line of emigrants from Lithuania, although the long pier that

characterizes the Palanga resort town, Lithuania's most famous tourist magnet, extends almost to Sweden

on the other side of the Baltic Sea… A lazy stroll on the pier is a must when you are in Palanga,

and it is only when the sun slowly sinks into the soft Baltic Sea waves that you really begin

perceiving what a great vacation country Lithuania truly is…  


* * *



Lithuania is Europe’s best kept secret


Photo: Lithuania


"Lithuania is Europe's best kept secret". This is one of numerous phrases that are often expressed by many who visit this country for the first time. Secrets are not to despise, but for Lithuania's part, it is perhaps time now in 2010 to lift the veil?

Take some time to look at the pictures and read the text below. Watch also the videos and immerse yourself in the web pages that I recommend. There is so much more to say, but I know you are busy…

To make it easy for you, I have proposed a specific route that I myself have tried many times, and I have never been disappointed!

And when you have gone through it all, I would ask that you send this edition of VilNews on to your friends and contacts around the world. Let us together make 2010 the year when the world's many tourists and travellers really come to understand what an unusually attractive country Lithuania actually is…

Aage Myhre










Lithuania, topographic map (map/graphic/illustration)

Lithuania is a small country. The distance between the capital, Vilnius, and the seaport city of Klaipeda is only 300 km (high standard motorway all the way). It’s very easy to reach Lithuania by car, ferry, railroad or by air. There are three international airports, all with good connections to Europe. The airports are located in Palanga, Kaunas and Vilnius. 

So let’s start in Palanga and move from there through Lithuania’s amazingly beautiful landscapes. Let’s drop in to some of the major villages and cities.






Lithuania’s resort capital, fantastic beaches, restaurants, night life, amber museum, huge park, botanical garden


3rd largest city, huge sea port, Hanseatic style old town, aquarium & dolphinarium, excellent restaurants

Curonian Spit - Neringa - Nida

North Europe’s largest sand dunes, relaxed beaches, quiet resort villages, smoked fish, amazing nature


4th largest city, capital of North Lithuania (lots to see), The Hill of Crosses

Lithuanian Landscapes

Rivers, lakes, forests, and endlessly waving fields of grain; landscapes ideal for outdoor life and leisure activities


2nd largest city, old town with lively outdoor and indoor activities, restaurants and more, many interesting museums


Lithuania’s spa capital with several modern sanatoriums and hotels, Grotas Sculpture Park with Soviet times statues and more


Lithuania’s medieval capital with a huge castle in the middle of a lake, Karaim quarter with very exotic restaurant menus…


Lithuania’s capital and largest city, a truly vibrant metropolis that encompasses one of Europe’s largest old towns, museums, churches, outstanding cultural activities and much more…






You can be at the Baltic Sea’s most attractive beaches only a few minutes after landing at Palanga Airport!

If you want to have a calm holiday at an empty beach, then don't expect to find this in Palanga during the mid-summer months. Here, the beaches are always crowded, even in the evenings. If you like crowds of vibrant people at the beach, music, rhythms, games; then Palanga is for you. Though, at the end of the summer and in September, when the weather is still summer-like, the beach is less crowded and you can enjoy a much calmer atmosphere.

There are, however, a lot of other beaches nearby that are much less crowded also during the summer months, if that would be more to your preference. After all, Lithuania has the very top beaches of the Baltic Sea and Nordic area, with around 100 km soft, white sand beaches, all around 50 m wide and with the clear blue sea waves constantly rolling softly in… Did I mention that the country is called Lithuania?



Klaipėda city (population around 200,000) is the northernmost ice-free port of the Baltic Sea; an outstandingly important sea port and commercial centre since the 13th century. The 1st of August 1252 is considered to be the date Klaipėda was founded. In 1257 the city was granted the Lübeck City Rights.

By its old architecture this seaport city is close to the Nordic Countries and Germany; the Hanseatic styles and league. Some of the buildings that have survived in the cosy Old Town have a pronounced Fachwerk style. 

Klaipėda cherishes nice marine traditions; it has hosted the Sea Festival on the last weekend of July every year since 1934, an event that includes a number of performances of artistic companies and craftsmen’s fairs. The festival attracts many participants and guests not only from Lithuania but from abroad, too. The Kopgalis Fort complex, built in the 19th century, houses the Maritime Museum with an attractive exposition of marine nature and the history of navigation. These unique structures also accommodate a rich Aquarium and a Dolphinarium hosting shows of trained dolphins and Californian sea lions, which attract many spectators.




Lithuania - © Lithuanian State Department of Tourism

The huge sand dunes of the Curonian spit are the largest in North Europe.

You reach them by ferry from Klaipeda (takes only 10 min).


The Curonian Spit (Neringa) is a long and narrow sand peninsula that separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. This natural wonder, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, still exists today solely due to human efforts to counter the natural erosion process. The Neringa landscape is truly unique, dominated by picturesque sand dunes and pristine beaches. The area has a distinct ethnographic flavour, characterised by wooden fishermen cottages and the local speciality of smoked fish. Those looking for a quiet seaside vacation in picturesque surroundings will most definitely not be disappointed.



File:Nida ThomasMann cottage.jpg

The Nida home of the German writer Thomas Mann, today the Thomas Mann Museum.

The quiet resort village of Nida is based at the Curonian Spit near the Kaliningrad border, less than one hour’s drive from Klaipeda. With a beautiful Baltic Sea beach on the west side, the large Curonian Lagoon on the east side and the largest sand dunes of Northern Europe on the southern side, this is a truly unique place for a relaxed vacation. You should spend one or two weeks in a self catering Fisherman's cottage or a few days in a guest house or hotel. Take it easy!

"I have never visited anywhere that had such a relaxing effect on me as the view from the sun clock on the Great Dune in Nida. The silky-smooth lagoon to one side of the golden spit and the sparkling waves of the Baltic Sea to the other side was breath-takingly beautiful. We did lots of walking, running and cycling including a walk along the Baltic Sea beach from west of Preila back to Nida”.  -The Barrett Family




ABOVE:  I took this picture on a warm late summer evening in August 2009. The place was Nida, Lithuania.  I had had a very enjoyable evening with family and friends, and decided afterwards to go for a walk along the Curonian Lagoon. The silence, peace, and the slow whisper of the waves from this large lagoon make an unforgettable impression. The faint moonlight and the last sailing boats that were heading towards the Nida harbour made the impression no less impressive. Nida is a place on earth that simply MUST be experienced...


The Curonian Lagoon is separated from the Baltic Sea by the Curonian Spit. Its surface area is 1,619 square kilometres. The Nemunas River supplies about 90% of its inflows; its watershed consists of 100,450 square kilometres in  Lithuania,  Belarus, and the Kaliningrad Oblast. At the northern end of the Spit, there is a passage to the Baltic Sea, and the place was chosen by the Teutonic Knights in 1252 to found Memelburg castle and the city of Memel. The Lagoon, formed about 7,000 years BC, is classified as brackish. Water depths average is 3.8 meters.


File:Curonian Spit and Lagoon.png




The Hill of Crosses near Siauliai city in North Lithuania is a most unique historic site where, except for some intervals, people have been continuously building crosses since the 19th century, asking for celestial help or paying back for it.

Today, there are over 200,000 crosses that have been counted on the site including fine artefacts by local folk artists as well as plain wooden crosses. At the Hill of Crosses, one can also see pope John Paul’s II cross made by a Lithuanian folk artist and built during the pope’s visit to Lituania in 1993.



Lithuania has a diverse landscape - three hilly uplands, and three lowlands plains. The highest point is Juozapine Hill, not far from Vilnius; it rises to 293.6 meters above sea level. There are over 4,000 lakes and 722 rivers in this country. The longest river is the Nemunas (above), which is 937 km long totally whereas its length through Lithuania is 457 km.

But these are only the hard facts. The Lithuanian countryside is so much more than just facts. It is only when you begin your walk through the woods here, as you slowly float down one of the rivers in a canoe or a raft, when you sit down at one of the many amazing lakes, or when you first put your foot down in the Baltic Sea’s salty water that you really understand that this country is different. It is now, in the year of 2010, that you will have the great opportunity of feeling close to Lithuania's highly inspirational nature. Why wait?



Kaunas street scene - Old Town 1 ** Kauno gatvės vaizdas – Senamiestis 1

Kaunas Old Town is an amazingly lively and attractive place to be. Have you been there?

Kaunas is the second largest city in Lithuania, with a population of around 415,000. Kaunas was founded in the 12th century and owes its existence to its favourable geographic position at the confluence of Lithuania’s two biggest rivers, the Nemunas and the Neris, 100 km from Vilnius and 200 km from the port city Klaipeda. Kaunas was the capital of Lithuania between 1st and 2nd World War, when Vilnius was occupied by Poland. Kaunas enjoys a remarkable Old Town which is a concentration of ancient architectural monuments: the remnants of the 13th century Castle, the Cathedral, the Jesuit and St. Trinity Churches as well as the Old Town Hall, nicknamed the "White Swan" for its charming architecture. The Old Town Hall Square, the most important architectural accent of the Old Town, is reminiscent of the Middle Ages with the early Gothic Vytautas Church and the late Gothic Perkunas House not far away. The Old Town squares and buildings of the surrounding streets are brisk with numerous restaurants, bars and cafes as well as art galleries and Lithuanian folk art souvenir shops, popular among tourists.





Druskininkai is Lithuania’s spa capital since the 19th century. This is the place you simply have to go to if you need any sort of treatment for your soul or body. Thousands of others, from around the globe, are already cured!


The Grutas Park in Druskininkai includes statues of Lenin and many other Soviet leaders, all removed from their former official locations in the wake of Lithuania’s regained freedom in 1990 – 1991. We got them, didn’t we?


At the gate to Grutas Park you will be met by Soviet militiamen and soldiers. Well inside the park you will meet them face to face – the individuals Lithuanians and many around the world learned to hate for their cruel, gruesome behaviour to innocent people. You may also feel as if you are in a Siberian concentration camp in the section of the Park that is surrounded by a moat and barbed wire fences with watch-towers. The atmosphere of a Soviet canteen permeates the park café where the food is served in metal bowls. The aluminium cutlery is a popular souvenir.



Trakai is located in one of Lithuania’s picturesque lake districts, just 30 km from Vilnius. Trakai was the administrative, economic and defensive centre of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the beginning of the 14th c. The majestic Gothic castle on an island on Galve Lake is the only castle surrounded by water in Eastern and Central Europe. Inside the castle, there is the Trakai Historic Museum where visitors can see old armament collections as well as other historic exhibits. Also worthwhile seeing is the Karaim quarter with its restaurants originating from the Black Sea area!



Vilnius scenes III

Vilnius Old Town’s Pilies gatve (Tower Street) is filled with exotic life all year around. Can you feel it?


In 1994, the Old Town of Vilnius was included in UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. It is one of the largest (comprising around 360 ha) and most scenic old towns in Europe, founded by Grand Duke Gediminas in 1323 (you can see the last existing tower of the former fortress with his name on the hilltop at the street end).

Vilnius’ light-coloured manors and church towers remind one of the  of the old rich Italian cities such as Rome and Florence. Vilnius is the most northward capital-city having inherited the architecture styles of the Mediterranean, and is sometimes referred to as the world’s most Italian city outside Italy.

Vilnius of the 14th and 17th centuries is considered the major European cultural and educational centre of Western civilisation that reached farthest into the East. The Old Town of the capital reflects the apogee of the city grandeur and beauty of this period, while the rapidly growing Vilnius of today, with its around 600,000 inhabitants, is found among the world’s 20 most remarkable cities - that should not be missed by any world traveller.







Vilnius Cathedral (top), St. Anne’s and Bernardines’ Churches, St. Casimir’s Church, the Romanov Church,

The St. Peter and Paul Church, The Orthodox church of Holy Mother of God


Vilnius has been known as the city of churches since the Middle Ages, several dozen of them can be found in the Old Town alone. Almost every style of architecture can be found in the churches and shrines of many religions in the city: gothic, renaissance, baroque and classicism. The Cathedral of Vilnius (top picture), from which we invite you to start the tour, is the most important piece of 18th century classical architecture. 

These are the churches and shrines you simply have to see while visiting Vilnius:

- The Vilnius Cathedral 
- St. Anne's and Bernadines' Churches 
- The Church of St.Michael 
- The Orthodox Church of St. Paraskeva 
- Sts. John‘s Church 
- The Temple of God‘s Mercifulness 
- The Church of the Holy Spirit 
- The Great Vilnius Synagogue Place 


- The Evangelical Lutheran Church 
- The Church of St.Michael the Archangel 
- St. Casimir‘s Church 
- The Church of the Holy Trinity 
- The Church of the Holy Spirit 
- The Church of St. Teresa 
- The Gate of Dawn

- The St. Peter and Paul Church






When Vilnius University (above) opened its doors in 1579 this became another strong manifestation of Lithuania’s strong position as a leading nation for fine intellectualism in Eastern and Central Europe.

Vilnius University is the oldest and largest Lithuanian higher education institution, an active participant in international scientific and academic activities and boasts many prominent scientists, professors and graduates.

Let the amazing University Library be your starting point for a study of Lithuania’s many roles within science and intellectual development fields…

I let Lithuania’s prima ballerina, Egle Spokaite, represent the rich cultural life of Lithuania. I believe you will be surprised seeing what a variety this country has to offer – with several well-known professional symphonic and chamber orchestras, choirs, opera singers, ballet dancers and artists within many fields. Cultural events take place all year around; marvellous summer festivals of classical music, theatre, cinema and poetry performances by many Lithuanian and foreign artists, and much, much more. Lithuania is also widely known as a jazz country, famous for its several international jazz festivals organized by jazz performers and fans in several cities.



Category : Blog archive

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.

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