

17 May 2024
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Lithuania needs a new ‘revolution’ now

Dear Mr Chaudhary

Thank you for your sincere and very interesting feedback. If you have not already done so, I would urge you to give Aage permission to publish your comments. The 'revolution' to achieve Lithuania's independence in 1990-1 needed leadership from the top, but Lithuania needs a new 'revolution' now. This one has to start at the 'bottom', among the people. Lithuanians have to start admitting what is wrong with the country and not just shrugging it off any more: they have to start demanding change. As I have already told Aage, I firmly believe the path to change and reform is first popular demand, followed by the initiative being taken up by journalists and other professionals, including that rare beast "politicus honestus" – if they are not totally extinct in Lithuania.

Best wishes, ypatingai „geros sveikatos“ !

Gintautas Kaminskas
Wollongong, Australia

Category : Opinions

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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