

2 May 2024
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Re.: ‘Easier to obtain an audience with the Pope…’

Victor Vytautas Pakalnis

Reminds me of the 90's in Ontario , Canada when the head of the Ontario Public Service , Rita Burak got so frustrated at the quality of customer service within the public service that firm email / phone standards were put in place : phone calls had to be answered within 3 rings and if it went to voice mail , the person receiving it had to indicate today's date and when a call would be returned , usually 1 working day unless they were on vacation . There was always a " 0" option to get to a live operator . And in spite of grumbling at the senior ranks - new habits were formed and new expectations realized within one year - particularly since the service standards became part of every public service executives’ pay for performance plan. It was tracked - audited and rewarded or corrected . Every public service in the world strives to improve its service to its citizens - The Institute for Citizen Centered Service ( Google: ICCS Canada ) found the leading determinant of quality public service is TIMELINESS - the others : professionalism , courtesy , fairness , going the extra mile , outcome...

Victor Vytautas Pakalnis, P..Eng. Canada

Category : Opinions

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