

23 February 2025
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VilNews is changing the image of Lithuania!

Aage Myhre

The woman I talked to at today's National Day reception at the Norwegian Embassy in Vilnius had much good to say about our VilNews e-magazine, and I will not hide that it is good to hear such words – that what we have tried to address and achieve understanding for, in and about this country, is so well received, perceived and understood by one of our readers.

It gives inspiration to continue and an even stronger belief in the power of a free, democratic and outspoken press.

Here is what she said:

"Your VilNews e-magazine contributes more to Lithuania's international reputation than any political leader or advertising campaign has done over the latest  twenty years!"

"The Soviet Union's attack on Lithuania in January 1991 led naturally to an enormous press coverage worldwide but the attention was soon gone and Lithuania did nothing to exploit the 'commercial value' of the great interest that the country was exposed to at the time. And since then, most of the international press coverage of Lithuania has been negative, marked by crimes carried out by individuals and gangs from here."

"Then comes VilNews, and suddenly we have access to a unique publication that explains Lithuania to the world in a completely different and smart way that makes the country sound and look very interesting again. Even those times when you criticize various aspects one understands that the criticism is based on well founded thoughts, fairness and a balanced approach. You are simply changing the image and perception of Lithuania!"

"I am also very impressed with the unusual combination you present of news, blogs, comments, and the enormous background material - not least that of historical character. It's also very good to see that so many of your readers actually write and communicate actively through the channel you offer them with VilNews. I've actually never seen anything like this anywhere in the world."

"I am now recommending VilNews to all my contacts around the world, and I wish this nation's leaders would study your publication very carefully and pay close attention to and follow up much of what you write and suggest."

Below some other comments we have received over the latest months. We are very grateful for all the good words, but would also like to emphasize that we very much welcome criticism, suggestions and comments of all kinds...

Great job with VilNews, actually a unique one globally!
Valdas Samonis PhD, CPC
The Web Professor of Global Management(SM) Institute for New Economic Thinking, New York City, USA and Royal Roads University, Canada. Knowledge Management Editor, Transnational Corporations Review (TNCR)

I got the address of VilNews from my American friend. Best congratulations. You are again doing something that Lithuanian officials ought to do.
Vilius Kavaliauskas, advisor of former PM Algirdas Brazauskas

It is unbelievable what you have accomplished – created the best English language news forum about Lithuania and Lithuanians. Simply amazing!!
Vytautas Sliupas, P.E. Burlingame, California, USA

Congratulations with
 VilNews! Far away from home, we need a publication different from the mainstream news portals, which are often permeated with negative attitude and serving narrow, short-term interests. Your interest to history and the international dimension of Lithuania has made your previous publications a very engaging reading. I trust VilNews will remain enthusiastic, honest and insightful. Please rest assured that you have a dedicated reader in Africa.
Paulius Kulikauskas, Nairobi, Kenya

Your critical comments on, and wishes for, Lithuania in this issue are excellent. I agree with every word, and can only hope that more Lithuanians would take your very informed, friendly, and insightful message to heart!
Mykolas J. Drunga, Broadcaster at Lithuanian State Radio


I try to follow all the English "press" from the Baltic Times to "English".
FINALLY I discover you! AND..... you place an article on Feb 16th Lithuanian Independence on the FRONT PAGE and feature an absolutely marvellous "historical" section. BRAVO! It's about time! All too often "historical" news and commemorations in Lithuania seem to be taken for granted - as if everyone there wasn't interested or already knew about it. The fact is most of us are STARVED for this kind of information and even regular English speaking tourists need historical perspective to truly appreciate Lithuanian culture - if only to help understand a tragic and fragmented history. I will read you much and often. 
Edward Kestas Reivydas,
M&R Americana Insurance Service Inc Santa Monica, California, USA

Category : Blog archive

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
Code of Ethics: See Section 2 – about VilNewsVilNews  is not responsible for content on external links/web pages.
All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.

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