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DnB NORD becomes DNB 11.11.2011 at 11:00

Communication Director Trond Bentestuen at DNB in Norway with the new logo. Development price for the logo has been around LTL 7 millions.
Photo: DnB Nor.

The new name emphasizes that the former DnB NORD now is an integrated part of Norway’s biggest bank, which provides its services in 19 countries worldwide. All the banks and subsidiary companies of the Norwegian financial services group DnB NOR will be included under the DNB brand as part of a worldwide rebranding effort. DNB stands for Den Norske Bank, meaning the Norwegian bank.

The new legal names of the bank and its subsidiary companies as of 11 November 2011:

  • AB DNB Bankas (formerly AB DnB NORD Bankas)
  • UAB DNB Investicijų valdymas (formerly UAB DnB NORD Investicijų valdymas)
  • UAB DNB Būstas (formerly UAB DnB NORD Būstas)
  • AB DNB Lizingas (formerly AB DnB NORD Lizingas)

For additional information please visit the bank’s new web page

Category : News

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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