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Why not retire in Lithuania?


Dear Editor,

I enjoy reading VilNews and, VilNews seems to touch on, if not already delve into, a variety of issues which are relevant to someone who may wish to retire in Lithuania. It might be interesting for much of your readership to more sharply focus on specific retirement issues such as comparisons and advantages of retiring in Lithuania, vs the US. This seems to be evolving as a hot topic in the US as many baby boomers face the reality of high living costs (particularly healthcare) and diminished pension resources.

Detailed and systematic comparisons of living costs, tax issues, health care and real estate ownership might even result in significant "foreign investment" into Lithuania by foreign, especially US retirees. My impression is that many of us Lithuanian-Americans have thought about this possibility. I know several who have taken action. Perhaps such "dreams" should be encouraged with facts, experiences, even government incentives. Thoughts?

Rimantas Aukstuolis
Cleveland, Ohio USA

Category : Opinions
  • valdas samonis

    Lithuania-Arizona 50:50!

    Close to a decade ago, we have been debating such issues in Vilnius as part of the US Lithuanian Community-LT Seimas Joint Commission under Seimas Deputy Speaker Prof. F. Palubinskas, formerly of California State University (who retired to LT, by the way). However, no progress has been made by LT on this issue. Even with the Lithuanian climate, I can easily see a 50:50 solution between LT and Arizona!

    Valdas Samonis


    December 11 2011


    VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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