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I was glad to see the last issue of VilNews concentrate on 'women's issues' (a phrase which many Lithuanians would think to refer to PMS).
It is good to know something is being done to combat violence against women in Klaipeda, hopefully the other cities, towns and villages will follow its lead.
I lived in Lithuania for over 18 years and the safety issue cropped up multiple times. I am not even talking about generous amounts of everyday sexism - even though my friends and family who live in Lithuania don't see my views on equality as radical, they are sceptical as to the practical implementation of such in the current society. My friends in the UK found it deeply shocking when I revealed that at my schools in Vilnius there was a separation in lessons of Crafts - girls were sent to do sewing and embroidery, whereas boys would do woodwork. It is also still widely believed that if a woman wears a short skirt, she is asking to be sexually abused or harassed.
The whole mindset of the society has to and is bound to change, but for it to happen so the stricter enforcement of laws is necessary and the fight for women's rights should not be limited to small groups working at grassroots level. I also strongly believe that some more social awareness campaigns would not go amiss. There needs to be some real support for women who choose to challenge inequality in educational establishments, workplaces and their everyday surroundings. Maybe then voices challenging sexism and abuse would be heard, rather than ridiculed.
Agne Barysaite,
VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the editors:
Code of Ethics: See Section 2 – about VilNews. VilNews is not responsible for content on external links/web pages.
All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.
Definitely; there is need to support those woman who challenge inequality. You rightly said that there is need to change the society otherwise it's literally hard to support. People should think of woman as humans and should give value to them. Women's dignity is far important in these situations. To support women, one should start loving their wives and try to keep them happy. May be one can keep his wife happy by following steps.