

7 September 2024
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The Knights of Lithuania keep on fighting

Knights of Lithuania #144 Protesting Washington DC in 1990.

The Knights of Lithuania was founded as a national youth organization in 1913 by Mykolas Norkunas, the “father of the Knights of Lithuania.” Mykolas began his campaign to form a national Lithuanian organization by publishing appeals in the Lithuanian language press in various cities throughout the United States. His purpose was to unite the Lithuanian youth living in the USA, and through them, preserve Lithuanian culture and restore freedom to Lithuania, which was occupied at the time by Russia and Germany. Members placed their hope in their children, which is the basis of the organization. The Knights of Lithuania is a national non-profit organization of dedicated men and women of Lithuanian ancestry. Believing in the strength of the motto: "For God and Country," the Knights of Lithuania aspire to keep alive among its members an appreciation and understanding of the Lithuanian language, customs, and culture, while advancing the values and foundation of the Roman Catholic beliefs.

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VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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