

10 March 2025
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Would a ‘Genealogy Section’ in VilNews be of interest for you?
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We at VilNews have received numerous inquiries from our readers regarding locating relatives in Lithuania or more specific information about their Lithuanian ancestors. Since we know that tracing your Lithuanian Roots is a very important issue for many of you, we are considering a special section, “FIND YOUR RELATIVES”, to assist you in finding information about your ancestors in Lithuania. Please respond to us if you think such a section would be of interest for our readers around the globe.

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Many of us here in America are looking for relatives in Lithuania

Yes I think this would be a great section to your newspaper as many of us here in America are looking for relatives in Lithuania as our grandparents left sibling behind over there when they came to America. With the Russians collecting all the church records and many being destroyed or lost it is very hard to even find out what children our grandparents siblings had to maybe try to find an address for them.

I am the granddaughter of two Lithuanians that immigrated to the United States in 1911. They were Simas Dikmonas b.Mar 19, 1890 Girininkai d. 1924 Sheboygan Wisconsin and Marija Šimkute b. May 3, 1892 Girininkai died Nov 5, 1968 Sheboygan Wisconsin.

Diane LeRoy
San Antonio Texas, USA


Please, Please, Please!
Help us who seek our Lithuanian ancestors

Dear Editor,

Yes, absolutely it would be a fantastic idea. I've been trying to understand how and where to locate information on my Lithuanian ancestors for years. I thought I was Russian until some facts from my great grandfather's Naturalization Papers had me focusing on Vilnius, but without understanding the language or how records were kept, I was lost. Please, Please, Please! Help us who seek our Lithuanian ancestors learn how and where to get the information. Teach us the history of Lithuania from when it was Russia to what it is now. Help us find how village names have changed and where those villages are or were. Where are the records kept from those villages? How do I get access to them? What were the customs and traditions of our ancestors? And who might we be related to from those places today?

I can find records for most Western European countries quite easily and most of them for free. But anything East of Berlin seems unobtainable. If you can help unravel the difficulties of Lithuania genealogy research I would be overwhelmingly happy.


It is very hard to find information in Lithuania

Yes please! It is very hard to find information in Lithuania and this would be an excellent tool to help!
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Maybe there still is hope
I just heard about you site today. But after 3 years of trying to find a way to trace my family roots in Lithuania I have pretty much given up. Maybe there is still hope.... I really would love to see any Lithuanian genealogy information online.

Ellie Dowling

Please do add a Genealogy Section!
I just learned of your publication and the article about finding relatives and ancestors. What a great bunch of resources! Please do add a Genealogy Section!

Ileen Peterson
Category : Opinions / Relatives sidebar

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
Code of Ethics: See Section 2 – about VilNewsVilNews  is not responsible for content on external links/web pages.
All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.

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