

10 March 2025
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Many Lithuanians, like my parents, did not leave/fled/ run from Lithuania for “a better life”, but to stay alive

Many Lithuanians, like my parents, did not leave/fled/run from Lithuania for "a better life", but to stay alive. My mother’s family was on the list to be deported to Siberia. They knocked on her door in Kaunas & said you have 30 minutes to pack. When the truck came, the driver told them to wait because the truck needed gas. It never returned thanx to the German front approaching. My mother’s grand-mother was General Plechavicius' godmother (she was deported to Siberia) & my mother’s father was a high ranking LT army officer. The had no choice but to flee.

My father was a partisan (need I say more?)

Linas Johansonas
Michigan, USA

Category : Opinions
  • Boris Bakunas

    Add my immediate family to the list of those who barely managed to escape execution and exile. My grandfather, the youngest lieutenant colonel to have ever served in the Lithuanian army, was targeted for execution. During the terrible journey of tears to Siberia, my uncle was shot for no other reason than there wasn't enough room on the trucks to carry all those exile from one train station to another. And my aunt watched. Later when she returned to Lithuania, her request for a widow's pension was denied by the state procurator because her husband had been judged to be "an enemy of the people." His crime? He was chief of the forest rangers in his region. I have the document at home, and every time I look at it, i think how proud I am to be related to an "enemy of the people."

    Thank you, Linas, for helping to set the record straight.

    Boris Vytautas Bakunas
    Illinois, USA

    April 17 2012


    VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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