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Open letter to Mayor Zuokas from Gene Emmer:
We need playgrounds
in Vilnius Old Town!

Dear Mayor Zuokas,

I live in the Vilnius old town with my wife and young child. We have a small family business and are very happy here. Yet, one thing that concerns us very much is the lack of quality, safe play areas for young children in Vilnius old town. Within the old town there are basically three playgrounds:

Sereikiškės Park: There used to be two play areas. But one was in very bad condition and was removed. The play area which remains is currently the best in the area. But in nice weather it is generally completely full of children.

Vilniaus Gatve: Last year a small wooden park was built near the Šv. Kotrynos Church. It is very simple wooden play area and already needs repairs.

Vokieciu Gatve (behind the Post Office): This is a rundown, playground in very bad condition. It is a night time hangout for drunks and is always full of trash, broken bottles and animal droppings.

As you know, the children of the old town have very few options to walk to recreation, get exercise and breathe fresh air. I was excited to learn recently that you have decided to improve and build several new parks in Vilnius!

This is EXCELLENT news and I would like to congratulate the city administration for reaching this important decision. However, I would like to make sure that this excellent effort will include several high quality parks IN as well as NEAR the old town.  Here are the reasons:

* Children living in the old town need to be able to walk to recreation areas.
* The current recreation facilities in and near the old town are inadequate.
* It is well established that Children's entertainment AT THE VENUE of travel can have a positive effect on family tourism

See this article about why family tourism is more important than ever. First, family tourism is growing. The average family takes at least one holiday per year. And second, as the article says, "The children within today’s families are the customers of tomorrow. Their consumption, experiences and enjoyment will shape the way they structure their own family holidays in years to come." As you can see from the article children's entertainment at the venue can have a large consideration for family destinations:

Mayor Zuokas, I am hoping that you will use some of the new playground funds to:

* Build several quality playgrounds in and near the old town, at least one that is accessible for disabled children and one that is accessible in the winter (that is, with some protection from the snow). For example, on Rudininku skveras, Vokieciu (behind the post), Konstantino sirvydo skveras, at the foot of Maironio street hill (opposite from Tymo market, under the old Misijonierių hospital) – the place highly popular with kids during winter time due to sledging, so it would be nice to make it attractive year-round. And being an open well-lit area it would be least prone to become a hang-out for vandals/drunks.

* Build a very high quality playground in Sereikiškės Park, perhaps where the old carousel used to be.

These facilities will be healthy, not only for the children residing in the old town, but also for the struggling tourism industry of Vilnius.

Gene Emmer

Vokieciu Gatve (behind the Post Office): This is a rundown, playground in very bad condition. It is a night time hangout for drunks and is always full of trash, broken bottles and animal droppings.

These waste containers are located just 50 meters from the playground at Vokieciu g.. They are a favorite haunt for the homeless and others in search of food residues.

Category : Lithuania today

  • […] the Post). To my delight and surprise, both have now happened! Gene Emmer Last month, I wrote an OPEN LETTER to Mayor Zuokas pointing out the need for more playgrounds in the old town of Vilnius. In it, I […]

    May 23 2012

    • […] Read the letter, and comments… Category : Opinions […]

      April 19 2012
      • Arturas Medeisis

        Gerb. Mere Zuokai,
        Išties, manau kad šis laiškas atspindi ne tik mieste gyvenančių užsieniečių, bet ir vietinių gyventojų nuomonę. Patys gyvendami Senamiestyje su vaikais, kone kasdien susiduriam su panašiom dilemom ieškant vietų, kur galima ramiai "paleisti vaikus". Iki šiol vienintelė tokia vieta buvo Sereikiškių parke, bet dabar, kai jis uždarytas ilgalaikiams renovacijų darbams, kitų kokybiškų žaidimų aikštelių poreikis tapo ypač aktualus. Būtų ypač smagu jei kažkaip galima būtų įrengti/sutvarkyti kažkokią alternatyvą Sereikiškių parkui jau šiai vasarai, kol parkas yra uždarytas.

        April 16 2012
        • Raphaëlle Couvreux

          I would like to thank Gene Emmer for this letter that sum up the opinion and will of so many families living in old town. Children, families, tourists, the city itself do need such places. Thank you Mayor Zuokas for listening to this request.

          April 12 2012
          • Kerry Keys

            HI Arturas, Yes the Vokieciu Gatve playground could be much improved, but more importantly, MAINTAINED. The basketball hoops and backboard were vandalized but instead of repairing it (I guess again and again since the place is a hangout at night and I think not much patrolled by the police), things were left to go to seed. As for the dumpsters, the homeless trash pickers are harmless and in a way do a good job scavenging—- it is the hoods and vandals that are the real problem.
            The lovely green park off of Pylimo could be fantastic but it is occupied by derelicts and hoodlums quite often….. and dog shit. Dog shit is a major problem in the smaller parks—-one can't take a young kid and just play ball.
            New parks maybe an okay idea though I believe the smaller Rec areas have disappeared because they were not protected from builders by the City, or rumor has it the reverse. Also, what need for newer parks if the existing ones are not usable and run down. Terribly run down, or is it rundown!
            Best regards, Kerry

            April 10 2012

            • […] Read the letter… […]

              April 09 2012


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