

9 March 2025
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In an open letter to Mayor Zuokas last month I recommended building new playgrounds in places such as the Rudininku Skveras and improving the playground located behind the post office on Vokieciu Gatve (behind the Post). To my delight and surprise, both have now happened!

Gene Emmer

Last month, I wrote an OPEN LETTER to Mayor Zuokas pointing out the need for more playgrounds in the old town of Vilnius. In it, I recommended amongst other things, building new playgrounds in places such as the Rudininku Skveras and improving the playground located behind the post office on Vokieciu Gatve (behind the Post). To my delight and surprise, both have happened! Perhaps these were already planned before my letter, I have no idea. But nevertheless, I am very pleased that the city of Vilnius is making these improvements.  

The new playground in Rudininku Skveras opened this week to a very appreciative audience of children and parents. So delighted were they, that the playground was absolutely packed with children. When we were there, about 30 youngsters were enjoying themselves, a very high number for such a small park.

On  the Vokieciu playground, one can see some recent attempts at landscaping slowly appearing. Perhaps this is the beginning of much needed renovations.

We can only hope that the city continues to make such improvements. The fact that the few existing playgrounds are so busy only underscores the need for more opportunities for children of the old town to play and breath fresh air.

Gene Emmer,
Category : Opinions

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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