

9 March 2025
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I suggest that we, readers of VilNews around the world sign a petition to whichever Government foundation to support this publication, and that we send donations (anonymous, please) to support it

Paulius Kulikauskas

This attitude from the State institutions is of course shame. Whereas I am not privy to how the State currently dishes out its support to publications, we keep hearing of more millions being allocated to yet another effort Lithuania's image-building. So far, all these millions have resulted in, err, very little?

I suggest that we, readers of VilNews around the world sign a petition to whichever Government foundation to support this publication, and that we send donations (anonymous, please) to support it. Dear Aage, what is the account no.?

With cordial regards from Nairobi, Kenya (currently in Cairo, Egypt)

Category : Opinions
  • Stan Backaitis

    I agree that we all should support this unique and most informative and all encompassing publication related to anything touching Lithuanian issues. On top of it, Lithuania's foreign ministry as well as Ukio ministerija and coomerce interests should be the mainstays of this publication, not in the way of controlling its content but as contributors and beneficiaries of unparalleled publicity about Lithuania. None of their publicity programs come close to what VILnews has accomplished of bringing Lithuania to worlwide awareness. Even the Lithuanian Desk officer at the U.S. Statet Department is aware of it.

    June 30 2012


    VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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