

9 March 2025
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New concept for seniors, planned in Vilnius

A new concept for senior apartments, with focus on warmth, dignity and joy. Custom apartments around an outdoor, enclosed patio - plus a large, common 'lobby' for food, reading, music, good talks, therapy, training and more.

This is what now might be develop in the outskirts of Vilnius, about 20 minutes drive from the Old Town and less than five minutes from the Le Meridien Hotel, with its beautiful pool, spa complex, and a great new 18-hole golf course.

The plan they have under consideration right now is to build an elegant senior complex on the site, for potential buyers both in this country and from abroad.

Quality and service will be very high, still at prices one can hardly dream of the United States, Western Europe or Australia.

The planned complex will consist of around 50 apartments and a large public centre-building that can best be compared with an international hotel lobby.

All apartments and common areas will be wheelchair accessible. The latest of 'welfare technology' will be installed, and there will be an extensive range of health care measures, safety, activities and a good, warm relationship with other seniors in similar circumstances.

If sufficient interest from potential buyers, the project is expected completed in 2014.

When will this project be completed?
When will this project be completed? What provisions will there be for handicapped, when we grow older and unable to participate in sports or other activities?

Sounds like a great project
It sounds like a great project hope to hear more about it.

I think something like that could be very welcome
Actually, I think that something like that could be very welcome. What it will need is an inexpensive and convenient form of transportation to and from Vilnius center and old town. So, I hope that the organizers will think about that. Today, it is quite expensive to get to Le Meridien Hotel and the hotel shuttle bus only goes as far as the White Bridge for some strange reason. Public bus is just to going to be acceptable for residents. A taxi ride costs over 100 lita round trip today and that will be much higher by the time this opens.

Without a convenient, affordable form of transport, residents will feel very isolated out there. With that problem solved, I could see a good interest in it.

Many "seniors" prefer to not be alone. They are still active "seniors," and a place like this offers safety, security, a sense of community
Many "seniors" prefer to not be alone. They are still active "seniors," and a place like this offers safety, security, a sense of community, and if I were anywhere near retirement age, I would surely consider such a residence!!! Great Idea!!! :)
Category : Opinions

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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