VIN KARNILA: It is my hope that this information we share with you will provide some insight as to the tragic events that were taking place at the KGB prison and Tuskulėnai during the Soviet occupation of Lithuania. I hope that it will also give you some idea as to all the diligent effort that so many people have put in and are still putting in to honor the victims and try to bring some closure for their families and relatives.
My greatest hope is that this story will bring out the information that still to this day is unknown:
Where are the people that were executed after 1950 buried?
Look for the first part of our six part story which will be out in a few days…
VilNews Forum

Carol Luschas
Thanks for posting this on the forum! These victims need their story heard and remembered!

Arunas Teiserskis
The Tuskulenai memorial is to commemorate the victims of Soviet crimes. It is a fact, that majority of the people killed in Soviet repressions were innocent men and women, who were simply deemed as "dangerous" for the imposition of Soviet rule: community leaders, clergy, other people, who were generally called a national elite or other persons, who sometimes might have even been accused by jealous neighbours for very personal matters, but without proper legal procedures having no chance to defend their innocence.
There were, of course, some who participated in LAF* actions. But make no mistake - if the person was clearly known for participation in crimes against humanity, he or she was given a very public process, just to present him as an evil to the society and make Soviets look good.
The Soviets put a lot of emphasis on propaganda after all. The ones killed by Soviets silently behind closed door there mainly people, which Soviets struggled to present as evil.
There is no denial, that some victims have been active LAF members and have participated in Holocaust, but deeming ALL victims as "a bunch of Jew murderers", makes you very similar to the people who justify the Holocaust telling that Jewish were very supportive in Soviet occupation and some of them even actively participated in deportations just before German attack on the Soviet Union.
We all agree that some very few Jews who entered Soviet NKVD (alongside leftist Lithuanians as well) doesn't justify pogroms on all Jews during WWII, so we should equally agree that some very few Lithuanians, who actively supported Nazism and committed crimes against humanity, doesn't justify Soviet terror after WWII on Lithuanian nation, particularly it's national elite, in order to destroy that nation as separate entity and assimilate it into uniform Soviet nation.
* Lithuanian Activist Front or LAF (Lithuanian: Lietuvos Aktyvistų Frontas) was a short-lived resistance organization established in 1940 after Lithuania was occupied by the Soviet Union. The goal of the organization was to liberate Lithuania and re-establish its independence. It planned and executed the June Uprising and established the short-lived Provisional Government of Lithuania. The Government self-disbanded and LAF was banned by Nazi authorities in September 1941. LAF remains rather controversial due to its anti-Semitic and anti-Polish views.