

9 March 2025
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"Welcome home to
where you belong,
dear Lithuania"

I found this one on internet today, referring to last Sunday’s Lithuanian elections, with the following picture caption: "WELCOME HOME TO WHERE YOU BELONG, DEAR LITHUANIA"

What do you think. dear VilNews readers? Is this where we are heading now, when the newly elected Russia-friendly leaders take over the steering wheel?

Ineta Ilgunaitė Jonusas This is nauseating!

Thomas Danielsen Democracy… You get what you deserve!?!?

Peter Treska what democracy? Still under the hand of the Russians......

Vyto Be Lithuanians seem fated to 2 choices: Smetona's mistakes or Communist Utopia. Never the sensible centrist middleground...

Rajinder Chaudhary People Deserve the Government they elect and if they decided to opt for the brawn instead of the brain, this is what one would get.

Irene Simanavicius KRIKEY!!! Is there a time machine somewhere?

Warren Thompson 
They've never quite got used to the idea of an independent Lithuania 

Matilda Allen 
I think, that it's just a matter time and "Russian's" will try to get back Lithuania, for a simple reason,- port and exit to waters, geographical position of the country, nothing else. To manage the lands, you have to have an exit to the waters...

Ingrid Baronaite Hammoud 
I'm afraid it is true.. Just the name of Paksas makes me choke.. Labor party in coalition with Paksas plus Venckienes party.. They really could make impressing mess, but the opposition won't permit it.. At least I hope so:)...Just it's so sad instead of going forward, we’re gonna waste time on fighting obstacles...

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