The complicated
Obama - Grybauskaitė
In 2010, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė openly disagreed with Obama on a new arms reduction plan, claiming it harmed Lithuanian security, and in a rather shocking move refused to take part in a dinner with Obama in Prague. Grybauskaitė was the only invited president who refused to meet with Obama.
The White House reacted to her behavior with disbelief, and she got to feel the cold shoulder that applies when international protocol is broken in such a blatant manner.
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Grybauskaitė probably would be more successful in securing an invitation to visit Kremlin than the White House

It could not have been said any better. Unfortunately, the damage done is difficult to repair. All diplomatic efforts to obtain an invitation for Grybauskaite to the White House have fallen on deaf ears. With Obama winning, Grybauskaite probably would be more successful in securing during the next four years an invitation to visit Kremlin than the White House.
Stan Backaitis
Washington, D.C.
Only way the Lithuanian president would see the inside of the White House would be in a tourist tour

I remember at the time an Obama aide saying that the only way the Lithuanian president would see the inside of the white house would be in a tourist tour.. But I think she is forgiven now :)
Richard Vitkauskas,
New York
Not some friends’ dinner parties where she can choose to go or not

Fully agree with the Editor, it’s not a right thing to do. Grybauskaite represents the country in the World and this event must be not taken as some friend’s dinner parties where she can choose to go or not.
Nellie Vin,
New York