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The complicated Obama -
Grybauskaitė relationship

In 2010, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė openly disagreed with
Obama on a new arms reduction plan, claiming it harmed Lithuanian
security, and in a rather shocking move refused to take part in
a dinner with Obama in Prague. Grybauskaitė was the only
invited president who refused to meet with Obama.

In April 2010, Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev signed a new arms reduction treaty in Prague, primarily with regards to the Eastern European missile defense system that had been planned by the George W. Bush administration.

After the signing, President Obama invited the presidents of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Romania, as well as the prime ministers of Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia to attend a dinner with him in Prague.

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė openly disagreed with Obama on the new reduction plan, claiming it harmed Lithuanian security, and in a rather shocking move refused to take part in the dinner in Prague. Grybauskaitė was the only invited president who refused to meet with Obama.

After becoming Lithuania's president in 2009, Grybauskaitė wasted no time defining her leadership. "Yes, you have to be a strict and loud partner if you want to be heard in the conversation," she told the Associated Press in a 2011 interview.

"Lithuania is not used to a straightforward, terse, forceful way of making statements. I admit using this style in pushing NATO defense plans for the Baltic States," she said, referring to U.S. cables released by WikiLeaks earlier this year, showing that NATO in January 2010 privately decided to expand a NATO defense plan for Poland to also cover Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

"I am afraid that if I had chosen a different tone, Lithuania and its neighbours would be still waiting another six years for these," she said to the Associated Press, giving herself credit for USA’s and NATO’s new strategy as revealed by WikiLeaks.

In 2011 President Obama invited the same East European state leaders for a dinner in Poland, and this time President Grybauskaite accepted the invitation, a move presumably leading to a warmer relationship between the two presidents.

At the working dinner the Lithuanian president underlined that NATO anti-missile defense must cover all the NATO allies. According to the president, NATO-Russian relations are particularly important for Lithuania owing to its strategically special location on the boundary of the Alliance’s territory. She said the agreement reached in the NATO Lisbon Summit must not be changed and must not become the object of negotiations with Russia.

It still is little known about how President Grybauskaite’s ‘reflections’ vs. the Obama administration in 2010 and NATO in 2011 were perceived by the said parties. We can only hope they were not given too much weight and that the relationships with Lithuania have not been harmed. Her acceptance of last year's invitation from 
Obama, and the absence of new provocative statements, suggest that she has adopted a more conciliatory 
and diplomatic style and line.

The right to disagree and discuss any topic should always remain free and open, but I think our president would be better off by following more recognized protocol procedures when such delicate issues are to be discussed at high international level.

To have a best possible relationship with the U.S. and the new Obama administration will be important for Lithuania, and one can only hope that his reelection will come to represent another positive step towards improved dialogue and cooperation also between Lithuania and the United States.

Aage Myhre, Editor-In-Chief

Category : Featured black / Lithuania today
  • Kapciukas

    RE: the only way the Lithuanian president would see the inside of the white house would be in a tourist tour.

    I remember talking to top global news reps about why the then LT Prime Minister K. Prunskiene was admitted to the White House only via the kitchen door; now we know why:)

    November 10 2012

    • I don't think that Grybauskaite's instincts are wrong. Perhaps she could consult with some Lithuanian expats in Chicago. They know how to deal with the Chicago Machine.

      November 10 2012

      • I'm more tending to admire her attitude! to be diplomatic is one thing, but also to be strict and determined, standing by the interest of your own country first, rather than deceiving your own people's interests for benefits that are personal sometimes, is what a president should be about! I'm not aware of all the political career of Grybauskaite, but I think Lithuania's lucky she was elected.

        November 09 2012
        • Stan Backaitis

          tI could not have said any better. Unfortunately, the damage done is difficult to repair. All diplomatic efforts to obtain an invitation for Grybauskaite to the White House have fallen on deaf ears. With Obama winning, Grybauskaite probably would be more successful in securing during the next four years an invitation to visit Kremlin than the White House.
          Stan Backaitis

          November 07 2012

          • Fully agree with the Editor, its not a right thing to do. Grybauskaite represents the country in the World and this event must be not taken as some friends dinner parties where she can choose to go or not.

            November 07 2012
            • Richard Vitkauskas

              I remember at the time an Obama aide saying that the only way the Lithuanian president would see the inside of the white house would be in a tourist tour.. But I think she is forgiven now :)

              November 07 2012


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