

10 March 2025
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Above: ID photo of 22-year old Dalia Grybauskaitė

Has the President introduced censorship of Lithuanian press?

Last week Lithuanian TV3 was expected to show its weekly documentary programme of investigative journalism produced by Ruta Janutienė. The programme was about the past of President Dalia Grybauskaitė and about her family roots.

The programme was not shown on TV 3, but soon appeared on lrytas TV (see below). Not many days later Ruta Janutienė was fired from her television job, and many started asking if President Grybauskaite may be behind. We asked our readers, and have received many comments in our
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From lrytas TV:

VilNews Forum comments:

Welcome to the new Smetona times!

Vyto Be For those that favor the 'history repeats itself' theory, I'd say we are approximately at 'Lithuania 1938' right now...

It is called 'Freedom of the Press'. Lithuania doesn't have it. But no one seems to mind. Welcome to the new Smetona times!

I agree that Janutienė can vary as a journalist. But if someone of her stature was fired like this in America, guaranteed, her show would run on a competitor's channel, and would receive 10X the attention now. Let's see if that happens in Lithuania...

This appears to be a non-story

Rimas Pileika All the main Lithuanian media analysts came to the conclusion that TV3 banned Janutienė’s documentary due to pressure from Grybauskaitė or due to its fear of such pressure. During the rule of previous Lithuanian presidents, such censorship was unimaginable.

This appears to be a non-story. No one has proof of anything. Maybe the TV station was correct in its assessment? What does the version on the internet accuse her of?

I don't understand why TV3 didn't air it

Linas Johansonas Rimas Pileika: the "accusations" are written about in the above posted article. Nothing significant, thus why I don't understand why TV3 didn't air it.

People like Janutiene shouldn't have freedom to do what they want

Ingrid Baronaite Hammoud's all to do with ethics..try to remember "Pedophile scandal" she's been very supporting Venckiene and permitting herself to behave as a judge, brainwashing people on TV with the "right" facts, actually, I would like her to see in the court forthat!...She was supposed to be objective and more intelligent instead of behaving as a woman with the menopause syndrome...once upon a time I adored her courage, but now I see she needs rehabilitation.. seriously..these people like Janutiene shouldn't have freedom to do what they want, because they are crazy enough to make a mess in a big way, without realizing the consequences..and disaster they cause..

..very soon Janutiene is gonna face court case, because of her unethical behave during "Pedophile scandal", her reputation is down the drain...she lost popularity - even her participation in dancing competition didn't help to attract people's attention ..

Janutienė may not always behave appropriately, but she is the one who dares to speak the truth, who finally started investigative journalism in Lithuania

Viktorija Ruškulienė Vyto, Lithuanian people are more than ready for democracy, it's the government and ex-communist leadership, that is not ready to give up their power.

..unethical is the entire state ruling and controlling, Janutienė may not always behave appropriately, but she is the one who dares to speak the truth, who finally started investigative journalism in Lithuania.
Category : Opinions

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