

29 March 2025
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Very important for all to remember (or more likely, learn for the first time, this tragic story)

Arthur Hessel
Very important for all to remember (or more likely, learn for the first time, this tragic story. Also important to realize that the Soviets did not distinguish between Lithuanian Jews and Lithuanian gentiles in making their selection and that the Lithuanian population did not become so religiously divided until the Germans pushed back the Soviets the next year and made the Jews the enemy that had to be exterminated.

Ray Janus
We need to always remember and keep those who perished and suffered in our prayers.

Virginia Pudinas Schoenfeld
So very sad. Ray is right–we must never forget.

Ruta Brazis-Velasco
It hurts my heart to look at the photo, truth hurts.

Bea Rimas
Thank you for posting this, so our children can see and remember..

Rasa Weber
Every nation has their darkest years, and this period was one of the darkest for Lithuania. We will never forget.

Jane Kreivenas Hermanas
My father’s oldest brother was taken away from his family. My father, his siblings and parents all fled just a day before occupation. He stayed behind. I thank God that years later he was allowed to visit America and I got to meet my Uncle Bruno.

Ruth Budrys Mandala
My Dad was jailed for being a dissident when they came and took his parents and brothers and deported them to Siberia. He was 16 years old and never saw them again. They survived the ordeal and lived out their life in Lithuania and he immigrated to America. Every day he appreciates his freedom in this country.

Cheryle Prakop-Good
I have been reading lots of books of these most wretched times. As we set an extra place setting on Christmas Eve, say a prayer, light a candle, remember, as Lithuanians, we are peace loving people. I am blessed as my grandfather left before WW1. There is only one Prakapas left in the village. Maybe I should try to write to him.?

Ray Chesnick
My paternal grandfather had a sister who was sent to Siberia from Zagare. I believe it was just after WWII.

Ruta Rusinas
Both my grandparents, my aunt and my cousin (2 yrs.old) were sent to Siberia. All came back alive, thank God! My grandfather spent 14 yrs there!

Category : Historical Lithuania sidebar / Opinions

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