

10 March 2025
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In January 1991 I crossed the barricades to visit President Vytautas Landsbergis in his Lithuanian Parliament office, while the Soviet troops and tanks continued to surround the building.
Visit to the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas)
22 years later

This year I marked 13 January in the Lithuanian Parliament Building, 22 years after I in 1991 stood here along with Professor Landsbergis and looked out the window at the bonfires, barricades and the huge crowd of unarmed people who had gathered to protect their president and the country's future as a free nation.

I came here today with a group of young Lithuanians, most of them so young that they do not have their own memories of what happened here 22 years ago. Yet the memories of the sad events in January 1991 are very much alive and present for them. They want to remember that freedom and independence is not something you can take for granted, and they want to pursue a political career. They are Lithuania's future politicians. They are the future of young, well-educated, smart leaders that this country a few years ago could only dream about.

I walked around with them in the Parliament this 13th January. I saw their interests, and their pride in belonging to a great nation like this.


Nice to hear that there is hope for Lithuania

Kostas Cerskus Nice to hear that you Aage find that there is still hope for Lithuania!

Encourage children to love their country so they will have respect someday as a citizen

Irene Simanavicius Everyone has a special affinity for the place they call home. Encourage children to love their country so they will have respect someday as a citizen. This is the best way to set a positive example. As children grow older, explain to them why you feel they should hold their country in high regard. ~:)

I think we are facing a crossroads which bodes well for Lithuania!

Aage Myhre Kostas Cerskus, I have for some time now seen that young business people here are in full swing building up more professional structures and attitudes. That I now see the same happen among young politicians is very gratifying. Both of these groups feel to some extent that our new government is a step backwards, back to the "nomenclature times", but their young, Western-type way of thinking is certainly very encouraging and I think we are facing a crossroads which bodes well for Lithuania!

You do not have to agree with every event and decision made in your country's history to love your country

Irene Simanavicius You certainly do not have to agree with every event and decision made in your country's history to love your country. Consider how the country recovered from mistakes, as well as its ideology as described in some guiding document (such as a constitution). Although such principles are not absolute, reflect on whether these precepts are conducive to a government you think would act with its citizens -- and humanity's -- best interests at heart.

It appears that the young people are ready to take matters into their own hands, no longer waiting for the older politicians and leaders to show the way

Aage Myhre Irene Simanavicius, it is precisely such attitudes I now see more and more of among young Lithuanians. And this time, it appears that they are ready to take matters into their own hands, no longer waiting for the older politicians and leaders to show the way. It almost feels as if the spirit of January 1991 is back, now in a structured, pragmatic and professional manner.

What you are reporting is excellent news

Irene Simanavicius ~Aage, what you are reporting is excellent news. Lithuanians from all over the world were actively involved in the events that transpired 22 years ago. We petitioned, we marched, we sent money for support and God knows we prayed hard!!!I just hope the young upcoming politicians remember:
What are some of the great things people have done and how they showed their love of their country? What are some of the things people have done with good intentions but poor results? Learned from their country's history -- both the good times and the bad times? 
Now, they just have to learn to not be prejudiced or biased. Every country, religion, or racial group has its own beliefs. Like them you have your own so respect yours and respect them for theirs. As mentioned earlier… continually strive for a better country for all!
Category : Opinions

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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