

23 February 2025
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Number of Vilnius visitors increased by 14% in 2012

The Department of Statistics reports that in 2012 a total of 778,019 guests (679,380 in 2011) stayed in Vilnius accommodation establishments where they spent 1.538,580 nights (1.310,197 in 2011). The number of guests and nights increased by 14% and 12% respectively, Vilnius City Municipality's press office said.

A total of 82% (636,816) of all the guests who stayed in Vilnius hotels and guesthouses were foreigners, most of whom were from Russia – 43% more than in 2011 (84, 506). Belarus took the second place – 50% more than in 2011(75,412), guests from Poland were third – 8% less than in 2011 (71,544), guests from Germany were fourth – 11% more than in 2011 (57,527), and guests from Latvia took the fifth place – 6.5% more than in 2011 (30,789).

Indexes of rooms occupancy in Vilnius hotels have increased in 2012 and average rooms occupancy reached 59.1%, whereas during the same period in 2011, the indicator was 56.5%. Hotels were mostly accommodated in the period of June-September. The highest hotel room occupancy was in July as the rate accounted for 76.2%.
Category : News

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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