

10 March 2025
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11 March 1990, the day Lithuania woke up from its 50 year nightmare

Lithuania’s independence declaration of 11 March 1990 was signed by wise and courageous political leaders who did not want to accept that their beloved homeland should remain occupied. They deserve our respect and gratitude!

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Judita Gliauberzonaite 
Please, don't exaggerate - it wasn't all a nightmare. 

Vytautas Sliupas
Dear Judita you look so young in your picture, maybe too young to remember the nightmare.

Evaldas Zvinys 
Judita - I understand what you are saying. But IMHO you might hurt some people's feelings: by analogy someone could say that a Nazi or a Gulag camp was not all a nightmare - but normally people just do not say that. Su Švente!

Vijole Arbas
I laud all our brave patriots who are not afraid to live in their own country and build it to its potential.

Jenifer C. Dillis
"Lietuva! Lietuva! Lietuva!"

Aage Myhre 
You know, Judita Gliauberzonaite, it was after the 11 March event in the Lithuanian Parliament in 1990 that I first became aware that my home country Norway had a forgotten neighbouring country called Lithuania. In the summer of 1990 I had my first ever encounter with Lithuanians, and in November that same year I came here for the first time. I met many of those who had signed the Declaration of Freedom 11 March and was impressed with their determination, but also the significant nervousness they felt in the months leading up to the Soviet Union's disastrous assault against Lithuania in January 1991. I maintain that this was, and is, people who deserve our thanks and respect!

Petter Kinn 
As you know, dearest Aage Myhre, we were also rather early! I agree with you!

Irene Simanavicius 

Warren Thompson 
Back in the USSR??? JOKIU BUDU!

Boris Bakunas When I was young, I thought I would never live to see that day. Now believe anything is possible. And when it comes to defending liberty, that goes double for Lithuanians. After all, we've had over a thousand years of practice.
Category : Opinions

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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