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The world is about to discover Lithuania!

Until recently, Vilnius was often called Europe's best kept secret. Very few knew that here lies one of the world's best-preserved cultural treasures, namely Eastern Europe’s largest and most attractive old town. Few knew that Vilnius is considered the world's most Italian city outside Italy and the world’ most Baroque city north of the Alps. This is now changing rapidly. The world population has become aware of both the city and the country and the number of travelers here is the sharp increase.

Vilnius is the city Lonely Planet colourfully calls "eccentric and soulful," and one that offers the best overall hotel prices in all of Europe. According to's Hotel Price Index, Vilnius in Lithuania has an average per-night hotel price of $80, putting accommodations costs within reach of budget travelers. Sweeten the pot with a favorable exchange rate, quirky attractions, and Eastern Europe's largest old town, and you've got an intriguing and affordable destination.

Here are some recent articles:

Vilnius –
Baltic beauty
The cleanest air in Europe
Lithuania among “The World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations – 2013”
Vilnius is one of Europe’s most affordable cities
for 2013


Category : Featured black / Lithuania today / Front page

  • […] 23rd April, 2013 – Posted by admin The world is about to discover Lithuania! Until recently, Vilnius was often called Europe's best kept secret. Very few knew that here lies […]

    April 23 2013

    • […] 23rd April, 2013 – Posted by admin The world is about to discover Lithuania! Until recently, Vilnius was often called Europe's best kept secret. Very few knew that here lies […]

      April 23 2013

      • My wife and I usually travel with friends from Germany. We decided to go to Lithuania and asked our German friends if they would like to go with us. They were hesitant, but did agree to go. We took a private tour of the country, starting and ending in Vilnius. After 8 days we returned to Germany and talked about our experience. They told me their reluctance came from their experience in other ex-soviet countries, which was not good. They were very surprised at the beauty of Vilnius, and the other places we visited. Everything they saw and experienced there was positive, and, now, five years later, they still talk about the wonderful experience they had there. Our tour was inexpensive, the hotels first class, the food wonderful, the beer out of this world, and the variety of other drinks was simply world class. I will never forget this trip, as my friends also will not. I would highly recommend Lithuania as a must see for any traveler.

        April 20 2013


        VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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