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Lithuania’s European Presidency
It’s an honour!

Lithuania will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2013, starting from the 1st of July. VilNews has on this background asked readers to annotate and analyze factors that have to do with Europe, the EU, the euro and Lithuania. This is one of the posts we have received.

An article by Dr. Rimas Slavickas

Dr. Rimas Slavickas

It is an honour for such a small country like Lithuania to fulfill the role of EU Presidency. By accepting this responsibility to diligently fulfill this task may further enhance EU’s unity to be as ‘one’, yet retaining the strengths, resiliencies and differences of autonomous ‘individual nations’ with their own respective historical identities. Lithuania has an opportunity, during its tenure, to raise the European bar – standards, even higher by setting examples for others to follow. The further pursuance of practical ideals and solutions which include government and economic stability, wrapped in democratic principles of justice, freedom of expression and human rights would provide even a greater global attention and exposure for both EU and Lithuania. Namely, by setting aside human frailties of individual self serving political esteem and associated benefits and thereby provide a perception of greater national unity and strong leadership to further enhance the positive moral direction by affectively addressing European challenges. Such efforts would be globally recognized that integrity, sincerity, goodwill and determination of purpose, even from a relatively small nation, can achieve much. This attribute is especially relevant to Lithuania which historically has seen many years of political turmoil, world wars and more than half a century of suppressed occupation and yet has retained its rich cultural heritage, religious beliefs and basic democratic principles. Such national determination initiated the ending of the official Soviet system and today stands out to others as an example of perseverance and that ‘it ‘can be done’, irrespective of the magnitude of the perceived challenge.

Therefore, let the Lithuanian decision makers brace themselves to this privileged task and recognize that this tenure is not only a challenge but also an opportunity to help both the EU concept and also the Lithuanian nation. The strengthening of the idealistic concepts of European Union would also enhance Lithuania’s global credibility and fundamental concepts of national unity abroad and at home.

It is my sincere hope that through this governance process, during and after Lithuania’s term has expired, the experiences gained and results obtained will include a greater recognition, by all Lithuanians, the importance of political unity and greater national bonding. That also political leaders and other Lithuanians of national influence will gain a greater recognition of the importance of differentiating between what is essential and what is not and what should change and what should remain the same in both the short and long term national best interest.

Such comprehensive endeavours would provide a further stimulus for Lithuanians to better understand their obligations and more effectively address the many challenges within and outside this relatively small, yet very gifted Baltic country. Therefore, irrespective where we reside or are separated by either large or small geographical distances and irrespective with what accent we speak, nevertheless as Lithuanians and associated descendants, let us all boldly and passionately support this undertaking.
Therefore at the end of Lithuania’s EU presidency, the judgement should not be a polite whisper by some but boldly proclaimed by all:


Dr. Rimas Slavickas
Energy Infrastructure and Partnerships
Power Center for Utility Explorations
Department of Electrical Engineering
University at Buffalo
332 Bonner Hall
Buffalo, NY, 1420-1920
Direct:       905 – 735 – 5600   
Can.  Cell: 905 – 932 – 5127
USA Cell: 716 – 361 - 7570
Office:      716 – 645 – 1052

Vice President
Energy Initiatives and Collaboration
Global Energy Institute
Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus Innovation Center
640 Ellicott St
Buffalo, NY, 14203
Direct:       905 – 735 – 5600
Can. Cell:  905 – 932 – 5127
USA Cell: 716 – 361 - 7570
Office:      716 – 645 – 3064

Category : Featured black / Lithuania today

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