

29 March 2025
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Electric cars made in Lithuania!

Kaunas electronics manufacturer ELINTA has come a long way in developing a new electric car here in Kaunas. These three gentlemen are behind the success: Dr. Vytautas Jokužis, Laurynas Jokužis and Dr. Vladas Lašas.

Since 1994 Elinta has also been selling products from some of the most advanced European companies. They were the first to bring the products of SIEMENS, PHOENIX CONTACT, and RITTAL to Lithuania.

With time Elinta gained significance in the field of Lithuanian industry automation. With the aim to optimise its performance ELINTA modernised its organisation by relocating different types of activities to secondary companies: UAB Elinvision, UAB Elintos matavimo sistemos, UAB Elinta VS.

As a mother company, UAB Elinta coordinates the activities of its subsidiaries. It is involved in scientific-research work, employee training and other fields, necessary for the activities of the Company Group. Currently Elinta has Sales Department which sells automation elements, and an Assembly Department which assembles automation and electricity cabinets.

UAB Elinta VS is a manufacturing company, involved in technological process automation. The main areas for automation activities include heat and electricity production, water supply and cleaning, waste disposal, production of sugar, artificial fertilizers, bio fuel, and etc. The company performs designing, programming, management systems implementation and maintenance work. One of the projects was Kaunas wastewater treatment plant.

UAB Elinvision designs and produces computer vision systems, signal measurement and processing systems. These systems can be successfully applied in automation of production quality inspection in a number of industries. The company produces three-dimensional scanners (3D) for production of orthopaedic and regular shoes and granule size monitoring systems for fertiliser industry. 3 D scanners are knownmore than in 30 countries around the world.

UAB Elintos MS supplies measurement and calibration equipment, process calibrators, testing and adjustment systems, data collection instruments and feeding sources for industrial enterprises.
Elinta has always been an inovative company, suggesting new ideas, solutions for interprises and society. Latest idea that has grown from a project to real creation is Elinta Electric vehicle. Elinta was the company that established the first electric vehicle charging point in Lithuania

Company CEO dr. Vytautas Jokužis and his colleague Vladas Lašas pays a lot of attention to ideas of young scientists, implementation and promotion of entrepreneurship. They inspire young people to create new technologies, innovative ideas.

Now Elinta has grown to company that has about 80 employees, always active in taking part in different innovative projects, collaborates with universities, always open to the society.

Dr. Vytatuas Jokužis and Dr. Vladas Lašas with one of the company’s new intelligent products, a three-dimensional scanner (3D) for production of orthopaedic and regular shoes

Category : Business, economy, investments

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