

31 March 2025
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Meet the wall at Literatų gatvė

Text: Giedrė Avard

You leave Vilnius Old Town’s main street – Pilies g. – and after only 50 m you meet this wall at Literatu street,
full of artworks dedicated to some of the greatest writers of Lithuanian past and present.

Once upon a time in the old town of Vilnius, in the winding street that has got its name to honour masters of letters, a beautiful idea was realized. „Literatai“ (eng- litterateur) street has a rich and long history which begins at the times no-one can remember and is being continued by art projects on the street walls. You can find more than hundred peaces of art works created to remember poets, essayists and different types of writers related to Lithuanian cultural heritage of literature. Various weatherproof techniques have been used to make the artworks; some pieces are made of ceramics, others are sculptures made of glass and other materials, whereas some pieces are painted straight on the wall.Already from some distance you start seeing differently sized and colored shape artworks, and when you get closer you will see that each appear to be a characterful peace of ar. It may bring you into the wonderful stories behind if you care to take your time and observe at least some, which you find most interesting. On the other hand, being on a distance gives you a moment to notice a composition, which may be an interesting experience as a new creation – the whole wall it self.  

Wall fragment.

Dedication to Arvydas Ambrasas, by Greta Medelytė. 

Dedication to CASTOR & POLLUX by "SINTEZIJA"

Dedications to Rimas Burokas (11) and Tomas Čepaitis (12) made by Birutė Zokaitytė.

The project is successfully growing and spreading on the wall. More and more art peaces are being installed into the walls at the street every year since 2008. As the manager Eglė Vertelkaitė says, „there is a vision to create a „Literatų“ street embassy, where you can develop Lithuanian culture, share experiencea and be an integreted part of it.“

More pictures and more to read about the project at

Category : Culture & events

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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