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Lithuanian Americans express concerns about the homeland

Lithuanian American Council (LAC) Delegation in Conference at Lithuania’s Embassy (LE) in Washington, D.C. 1 April: 

From left to right: Ambassador Žygimantas Pavilionis, Debra Miller (LAC), Rolandas Kačinskas (LE), Paulius Vertelka (LAC), Nida Gelažytė (LAC), Henri Gaidis (LAC), Emanuelis Zingeris (Lithuanias Parliament), Bernice Aviža (LAC), Saulius Kuprys (LAC), (LAC), Bronius Čikotas (LAC), and Simonas Šatūnas (LE)

Photo Inga Lukavičiūtė (LE)

Text: Stasys Bačkaitis 

A delegation representing the Lithuanian American Council (LAC) was received at the Lithuanian Embassy in Washington D.C. on April 1, 2011, where it met with the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lithuania's Parliament, Emanuelis Zingeris and Lithuania's Ambassador to the United States, Zygimantas Pavilionis. Also in attendance were members of the embassy staff including Deputy Amb. Simonas Satunas and Deputy Minister Rolandas Kacinskas. The LAC delegation was led by LAC president Saulius Kuprys and included Bernice Aviza, dr. Stasys Backaitis, Bronius Cikotas, Henry Gaidis, dr. Nida Gelazyte, Debra Miller, and Paulius Vertelka.

In the course of the meeting LAC representatives expressed their concern on a wide range of topics including Lithuania's developing energy policy, the country’s image in the international community, emigration issues and their demographic impact, the prospect of maintaining citizenship rights of recent immigrants, ongoing cooperation between organizations of the Diaspora and Lithuania, and minority issues in Lithuania. LAC representatives suggested that Lithuania would benefit significantly by availing itself of the expertise and knowledge found in the Diaspora communities in developing energy and security policies and a host of other areas such as environmental issues, ecology, medicine, economic development, and the promotion of improved interactions between the government and the people through non-governmental organizations. It was suggested that an interactive website between Lithuania and Lithuanian communities throughout the World would not only be a step in the right direction, but would also assist in improving the country's image in the international community and would provide a vital channel for dialogue seeking solutions to issues of common concern.

Mr. Zingeris thanked the Lithuanian American Council and its member organizations for their ongoing contribution in fostering bilateral U.S.-Lithuanian relations and in constructive cooperation especially in promoting Lithuania's admission to the Atlantic alliance. Mr. Zingeris noted that Lithuania needs continuing support from the West as new issues develop. Minority issues are being addressed, and it is anticipated that they will be resolved in the near future. A primary concern in the realm of energy security is the proposed construction of two nuclear power plants at Lithuania's eastern and southwestern borders at the behest of the Russian interests. This is not a question of merely local interest but one which has far-reaching international ramifications as it affects the safety and stability of the entire region and the future of emerging democracies. Members of the delegation noted that American Lithuanian organizations are in the process of raising these concerns to the attention of their elected representatives since the issues also touch upon vital U.S. interests and potentially impacts the entire Western alliance.

Mr. Zingeris observed that the proposed interactive website which would enable dialogue between Lithuania and the communities in the Diaspora was an intriguing proposal. Its potential benefit warrants further discussion and study. He will pursue the subject matter upon return to Lithuania. Ambassador Pavilionis conveyed on behalf of the government of Lithuania its gratitude to Lithuanian Americans and their organizations for their invaluable contribution in reestablishing Lithuania's independence and acknowledged their continued active support since then. Lithuanian American organizations play a significant role on the international stage as proponents of democracy and the rule of law. The active participation of Lithuanian Americans is key in facilitating continued dialogue between the US and Lithuanian administrations, especially in the area of security and energy policy. Ambassador Pavilionis noted in closing that such face-to-face meetings are mutually beneficial and ought to be convened on a regular basis.

The LIthuanian American Council established in 1915 today encompasses 18 national organizations.

Category : Featured / Lithuania in the world

VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the
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