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(means “let’s be together”)

“I challenge all of us to volunteer”

Ambassador Anne E. Derse: “The U.S. Embassy is honoured
to be the patron of “Būkime kartu” this year.

On Saturday 28th of May over 100 children from local orphanages will participate in “Būkime kartu 2011”, organized by the international community in Lithuania, including U.S. and other foreign embassies, Lithuanian public institutions and volunteers. The programme is intended to provide the children needed personal attention and care, and to promote the virtues of volunteering in Lithuania.

This event involves more than 150 volunteers from foreign embassies, private companies and public institutions and is under the patronage of the U.S. Ambassador to Lithuania, Anne E. Derse. “The U.S. Embassy is honoured to be the patron of “Būkime kartu” this year. 2011 is the “European Year of the Volunteering” in the European Union, and volunteerism is a value that is strongly held in Lithuania. In the United States as well, we have long believed that service to the community and work done for the greater good is part of the foundation of a stable, free and productive society.  I challenge all of us to continue exploring ways to volunteer, give back and make a positive contribution to our communities,” said Ambassador Anne E. Derse, the patron of the event.

Mr. Torben Pedersen, Chairman of the “Būkime kartu” Committee under Vilnius International Club said: “2011 is the 9th year that “Būkime kartu” has been organized on the initiative of Vilnius International Club. It’s a full day of fun and learning, not only for orphans, but also for the many volunteers that made the event happen. Volunteering brings a special experience, which tried once gives an impressive understanding and responsibility for caring for each other. This is what drives us to continue with the event year after year”.

As a special recognition for outstanding contribution to support children of Lithuania, Vilnius International Club has introduced a “Volunteer of the Year” award this year, which will be announced at the event.

During the event children will learn how fire engine works, how police and customs dogs are trained, what equipment has army vehicle or crime lab. These and many other questions will be answered by firemen, army officers, policemen, customs officers and by participation in involving games. Participating children will enjoy many outdoor activities and team games such as a bouncy castle, face-painting, parachute game, spider web, hot air balloon lift and more. There will also be a special appearance by players from BC Lietuvos Rytas, who will provide some basketball lessons for children.

Various organizations have generously offered their support to the event, without which the event would not have been possible, including: Vilnius International Club, US Embassy, Swedish embassy, Danish embassy, Norwegian embassy, Turkish embassy, Bulgarian embassy, Deloitte Lietuva, COWI Lietuva, Rimi Lietuva, Tarptautinė Teisės ir Verslo Aukštoji Mokykla (TTVAM), Viva Green Resort, Ūkio Bankas, Policijos departamentas prie VRM, Vilniaus apskrities vyriausiasis policijos komisariatas (Vilnius County Police Headquarters), Lietuvos Respublikos muitinė (Customs of the Republic of Lithuania), Priešgaisrinės apsaugos ir gelbėjimo departamentas prie VRM (Fire and Rescue department) , Lietuvos kariuomenė (Lithuanian Army), Medicina Magna, Multidora, Pentland, Radisson Blu Astoria, Radisson Blu Lietuva, DnB Nord, Oreivystės centras, McDonald’s, Rokiškio sūris, Antakalnio vidurinė mokykla, Lietuvos socialinės gerovės asociacija (LSGA), BRB Consulting Development, IC Baltic and BC Lietuvos Rytas.

From “Būkime kartu 2010”

The event will take place in the beautiful Viva Green Resort, located 25 km away from Vilnius in Tuščiaulių village, Nemenčinė from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM on Saturday, May 28th. For a map see

For more information please contact: Lina Pradkeliene, Phone: +370 5 255 3030, mobile: +370 687 49856 Email:

Event program




Opening talk


Face painting


Police bus, police cars and criminalist laboratory, Fire engine, Army cars, Basketball clinic

Team games: castle jump, parachute, elephant feet, cup tower, crazy volley, obstacle course, spider web


Air balloon lifts


Police dogs and customs dogs show . Police mate Amsis.




Police bus, police cars and criminalist laboratory, Fire engine, Army cars, Basketball clinic

Team games: castle jump, parachute, elephant feet, cup tower, crazy volley, obstacle course, spider web


Cake, coffee, tea


Closing ceremony


Volunteer of the year Award


End of event

Category : Featured / The world in Lithuania

  • […] Torben PedersenDenmarkBoard MemberLeader, BUKIME KARTU – read more at:  […]

    April 05 2012
    • Barbara

      Well done to organizers of 'Bukime Kartu'!

      May 27 2011

      • P.S. Due to limited space in the first comment, I was not able to include the wonderful assistance given to me by Jurate Butkute, who is on leave from the U.S. Embassy office at the time. While I was in Lithuania, Jurate was working in an official capacity but she certainly volunteered much of her time, as did Nomeda Repsyte and Simonas Davidovich, also dear friends in Lithuania who do not work for the Embassy in an official capacity. Each of these individuals, plus so many more, reflected the depth of caring and showed me the "volunteer" spirit that exists in Lithuania. They reflect the same deep inner commitment to their country that supports this wonderful program. Again, I wish I could be there to join in the fun and "volunteer" in some way.

        May 27 2011

        • I regret that I cannot be there to celebrate with my beloved Lithuanian friends. I wish the best to all of you, especially the volunteers who work so tirelessly. As a member of the Brandermill Rotary Club in Midlothian, VA, I've had the privilege of visiting and speaking twice at the Kaunas Rotary Club. Each of the members, especially Arvydas Sabrinskas (the former president of the club), welcomed me and assisted me in many ways, including introducing me to the Chicagoland Rotary, an all-Lithuanian Rotary Club in Chicago, where I also visited. It is also very fitting that Anne Derse, our U.S. ambassador to Lithuania and the Embassy be recognized. I've also had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Derse and was touched by her devotion and caring for others. Having worked with her and many of her staff, especially Jonathan Berger, I have remained impressed with all that they do. The day can only be a success if they are involved. I will be with you in spirit, my friends, until I can come again in person.

          May 27 2011

          • […] Read more… Category : Featured / Front page […]

            May 26 2011


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