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First Jewish library in Lithuania
since WWII

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“Failure is impossible,” is the title of the book that was held by Lithuania’s Minister of Culture, Arūnas Gelūnas (left), at the opening of the Vilnius Jewish Public Library Friday 16 December. Wyman Brent, the Californian book collector behind the amazing collection of more than 5.000 books, plus videos and CDs, says today is one of the happiest days in his life.
Photo: Aage Myhre.

Friday 16 December 2011 the new Vilnius Jewish Public Library, located at  Gedimino Avenue 24, 2nd floor, in Vilnius was officially opened. Guests from USA, Israel, European Parliament, Seimas (Lithuania’s parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania, Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Ministry of Culture, Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and others were participating.

On Saturday 17 December 2011, from 11:00 to 17:00 the library will be open to the general public, giving everyone  an opportunity to view the premises, the collection of books and photographs, the exhibits, and a presentation of a slide-show giving a retrospective of the establishment of the library.  Visitors will be greeted and will have the opportunity to speak with the initiators of the library.

The impetus for the library was from a private collector, humanitarian, and visitor from the USA -- Mr. Wyman Brent.  His initiative was to bring to Vilnius, and thereby to pass to Lithuania, a collection containing more than 5,000 valuable books.  The collection consists of books by Jewish authors, as well as books on Judaism by non-Jewish authors.

Wyman Brent first came to Vilnius in 1994, telling that he fell in love with Vilnius already by then.  Over the course of several years, he become interested in Jewish culture, history, and heritage, and came to follow the path towards his dream -- to establish a Jewish Library in Vilnius.

Wyman Brent is convinced that as soon as the library officially opens its doors, then the love of Litvaks (i.e., Lithuanian Jews) and their longing for their old motherland of Lithuania will encourage a continuous flow of literary, artistic, and informational valuables to The Northern Jerusalem, as Vilnius was once called.  Moreover, the library will urge many peoples to visit Lithuania in attempts to rebuild devastated human and cultural treasures, and to re-establish internal and international bridges.

Activities of the Vilnius Jewish Public Library will encourage visitors to revive the traditions of Jewish book culture and community libraries, offering a public space to encourage knowledge of the capital’s cultural diversity and history, and will become a cultural center with a variety of continuing exhibitions, events, meetings, and concerts.

Vilnius Jewish Public Library is founded as a structural sub-division of the Vilnius County Adomas Mickevicius Public Library.

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Panel at the press conference (l/r): Head of the library Davia Kiminaite, book collector Wyman Brent,
Rector of the Vilnius Jewish School Miša Jakobas, Director of the Lithuanian Librarians’ Association Petras Zurlys,
Minister of Cultre Arūnas Gelūnas and Member of Parliament Petras Austrevičius. 

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Daiva Kiminaite is now Head of the Vilnius Jewish Public Library.
If questions or requests, please write Daiva at

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Žilvinas Beliauskas and Director of the Lithuanian Librarians’ Association, Petras Zurlys, have both done a great job
for the realization of the library.

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This couple has played a major role in supporting and contributing to the library from their Helsinki location,
Inna Rogatchi and Michael Rogatchi of the ‘Inna & Michael Rogatchi Foundation’. 

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Rector of the Vilnius Jewish School Miša Jakobas with Wyman Brent.

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Composer Anatolijus Šenderovas with Wyman Brent.

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Lithuania’s Minister of Culture, Arūnas Gelūnas interviewed by Lithuanian Radio’s correspondent Olga Ugriumova. 

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Tenor Mindaugas Zimkus with Wyman Brent.

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 Also Lithuania’s Prime Minister, Andrius Kubilius (centre), came to participate in the opening ceremony.
Photo: William Adan Pahl (Billy Pahl)

Category : Featured black / Litvak forum
  • KR Slade

    More Facts …

    At the 16 December 2011 opening of the ‘Vilnius Jewish Public Library’,
    I had the pleasure of meeting the founder of the library, Mr. Wyman Brent;
    we exchanged business cards.
    Today, I viewed the website appearing on his business card: .

    I was somewhat surprised at what I read at that website.

    Also, at that website,
    there is a reference to a link to a story / article
    (a statement by Mr. Wyman Brent)
    appearing on the website of Prof. Dovid Katz (

    There is also the ‘Facebook’ site:
    (note: to get the complete listing: at the end of the ‘Facebook’ page, there is the ‘Older Posts’ button that must be clicked).

    * * *
    I would expect to find further public information
    (e.g., the legal status of the 'Vilnius Jewish Public Library', and the names of the 'principals' thereof, 'officers', and 'tax status')
    when I am able to have Lithuanian-language assistance
    to check the Lithuanian (state) 'Register'
    (i.e., 'Registry')
    of 'legal persons' (i.e., 'organizations' — both: 'business' and 'not-for-profit')
    'legally-existing' and 'registered-to-do-business' in Lithuania.

    January 25 2012

    • […] Read more… […]

      December 29 2011
      • KR Slade

        Enquiring minds might like to know how any engineer / architect is going to design a way to get handicapped-access using the existing stairway (not my photos) at the ‘Vilnius Jewish Public Library’:

        Oh !!

        January 25 2012
        • Rachel

          So are you saying that there is no handicapped access because there is not enough money for it? If that is the case, why didn't the government who funded the opening of the library find a property/building that WAS accessible? Something at floor level? It just goes to show that complete accessibility to all members of the public was not something that the organisers took into account before opening the library (not that the library is even open yet). Very disheartening for those of us with mobility issues.

          December 26 2011
          • KR Slade

            Part II

            * * *
            Another FACT:
            Current / recent research cannot seem to find any ‘documentation’ regarding:
            “Vilnius Jewish Public Library is founded as a structural sub-division of the Vilnius County Adomas Mickevicius Public Library” — as stated in the ‘VilNews’ story.

            I cannot seem to find any info:
            1) that such a ‘structural sub-division’ actually (‘de-facto’) or legally (‘de-jure’) exists at/in the Michevicius Public Library;
            2) that the Michevicius Public Library has the (legal) authority to create such a ‘structural sub-division’;
            3) that the Michevicius Public Library is (legally) empowered to use its resources in such an endeavour.

            * * *
            Another FACT:
            The discussion in these ‘Comments’ is devolving into ‘name-calling’.

            "Demagogy" ???
            = “the art and practice of gaining power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people”

            I am content to let the readers decide who in this dialogue is the ‘demagog’ / ‘demagogue’ …

            * * *
            A final FACT:
            the free-and-open-thinking of
            a free and democratic people,
            Exercising critical-analysis:
            often has been called ‘demagogy’…
            such references are often found in Soviet philosophy …

            February 05 2012
            • KR Slade

              Part I

              In all of my ‘Comments’ (here) to this ‘VilNews’ story:
              I have written 'the FACTS' …

              * * *
              There certainly will be more 'Facts' — coming 'to light' — about the ‘Vilnius Jewish Public Library’ (‘VJPL’) …
              Such facts will be a significant story: not only for Vilnius, or for Lithuania, but also of interest worldwide …
              The (present) ‘VJPL’ story is currently (i.e., to-date) only in 'Chapter One' …

              –There will be a ‘Chapter Three’: when / if (or not) the VJPL is actually ‘permanently opened’ / ‘funded’; by its only funding source: the budget of Lithuania …

              –Chapter Two will be the events between ‘Chapter One’ and ‘Chapter Three’ …

              –Subsequent ‘Chapters’ will be written; there is no now-foreseeable end to this story; the world will be interested in this story …

              * * *
              Another FACT:
              Readers to this page may also wish to view the ‘Comments’ at the end of another (related) article printed in ‘VilNews’

              * * *
              Another FACT:
              Current / recent research cannot seem to locate a filing for ‘Vilnius Jewish Public Library’ — as ‘a registered legal entity’ at the Lithuanian ‘Register’ of ‘legal persons / businesses / not-for-profit organizations’ …
              Can anyone provide the ‘legal registration number’ of the ‘VJPL’ ???

              ///////////////////// see Part II ////////////////

              February 05 2012
              • Žilvinas

                Why such a demagogy, Ken? I won't be responding it is meaningless. And the handicapped device has to be found despite your lack of imagination. All the best.

                February 01 2012
                • KR Slade

                  The first word I wrote was "Facts" … I think that every word that I wrote was a "fact" … I do not see anything in what I wrote that could possibly be considered 'my opinion', or that I was 'insisting' on anything, or 'justifying', or 'requesting justification' … or that I was using a 'magnifying glass' for what is obvious to any observer, albeit not always reported …

                  If something is 'closed', but there is a definite date for 're-opening', then it is 'closed temporarily' … the present scenario is that the library has no definite date for 're-opening' … therefore, it cannot be accurately said that the library is 'temporarily closed' … if something is closed, and it is not 'temporarily closed', then I would say that it is a fact that it is 'permanently closed' … Example: 'Vilnius University was permanently closed, and re-opened . . . about 80 years later.'

                  [Perhaps I could have said, "The library worked for two days, then it stopped working, and no one knows when or if it will ever work again." But, my word choice was/is "closed permanently".]

                  It may be a fact (which I did not state) that the library's sign is not so easy to see …. it is also a fact that it is easy to see some other signs on Gedimino prospektas, such as the MacDonald's (restaurant) sign … and the library is diagonally across the street from MacDonald's … maybe the fact of a 'landmark' proximity will help in finding the library, or at least to find the library's sign …

                  Regarding the handicapped-access equipment link, I cannot imagine how any such pictured-device would possibly work in that building/structure; and I do not understand how the handicapped access 'is to be ensured', when the 'working' of the library is not 'ensured'.

                  December 23 2011
                  • Žilvinas

                    Ken, thanks for looking into it with such a magnifying glass, but it seems to have some real splits. What does it mean PERMANENTLY closed? Usually institutions work as they are financed and they are financed when the law on budged is accepted and it is accepted as politicians manage to find consensus how to deal with it in the context of European financial crisis. And have you seen many better signs in this part of Gedimino prospektas and especially of institutions located in the couryard? Access for handicapped is to be ensured when the library gets
                    There are critics that too much is spent and Ken insist on spending more and perhaps immediately. I believe you are familiar with the situations when there are financial shortages aren't you?

                    December 20 2011
                    • KR Slade

                      Facts (summary):

                      a) the 'Official Opening' –by invitation only — was Friday 16 December 2011; 110 attendees, from 2pm to ~5pm; the Prime Minister of Lithuania attended/spoke … "a good time was had by all" …

                      b) the press conference (16 December 2011, at noon; ~8 media representatives) was conducted in Lithuanian language [although full-service simultaneous professional translation services were available from 2pm in the adjoining room], with 1 of the 4 questions not in Lithuanian (i.e., in English) … the Director of the Michevicius Library, which is providing the VJPL staff, said that 2 of 2.5 full-time personnel assigned will be English-language speakers …

                      c) the library — although not complete(d) [i.e., equipment, furniture, furnishings, exhibits, displayed collection] — was open to the general public Saturday, 17 December 2011 from 11am to 5pm.

                      * * *
                      After 17 December 2011:
                      the LIBRARY IS PERMANENTLY CLOSED (!!!) …
                      with no firm date for re-opening (!!!) …
                      future opening is "subject to (governmental) financing" …
                      estimated re-opening (as stated at the Grand Opening): "maybe January, or February, 2012" …

                      The second-floor location is NOT handicapped accessible … nor is the present condition of the courtyard …

                      The library's street sign [on (but not directly facing) Gedeminio prospectas, to the courtyard location] is approximately 50cm x 25 cm.

                      December 17 2011


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