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- Posted by - 12151(0)
Michigan loves VilNews!
An avid reader of VilNews in Michigan, USA, bought a new car not long ago. This is what his new license plates look like ...
Democrat or Republican does not matter, Lithuanians in Michigan simply love VilNews!
- Posted by - 12148(0)
Frank Passic
There are lots of Lithuanians here in Michigan. My maternal grandfather was Nikodemas Kulikauskas and they were from Lietuva (he was born in Nevardenai near Varniai in 1890, died 1975 here in Albion). 2011 marked the 100th anniversary of my grandfather coming to the US.
Frank Passic, Albion, Michigan
- Posted by - 12145(3)
- Posted by - 11654(1)
- Posted by - 4054(0)
I try to follow all the English "press" from the Baltic Times to "English".
FINALLY I discover you! AND..... you place an article on Feb 16th Lithuanian Independence on the FRONT PAGE and feature an absolutely marvellous "historical" section.
BRAVO! It’s about time! All too often "historical" news and commemorations in Lithuania seem to be taken for granted - as if everyone there wasn't interested or already knew about it.
The fact is most of us are STARVED for this kind of information and even regular English speaking tourists need historical perspective to truly appreciate Lithuanian culture - if only to help understand a tragic and fragmented history. I will read you much and often.
Edward Kestas Reivydas,
M&R Americana Insurance Service Inc Santa Monica, California, USA
- Posted by - 9371(2)
Jon Platakis.
We, at the National Lithuanian American Hall of Fame, are extremely appreciative of the superb job you did in prominently displaying our articles in your publication.
Your publication is one of the few remaining publications, where our English speaking Lithuanians can keep abreast of events and maintain their pride of being Lithuanian.
Jon Platakis, Chairman, National
Lithuanian American Hall of Fame
- Posted by - 10604(0)
Let me express my warmest greetings for such a wonderful job. I’m sure it will contribute a lot to creating a better image of Lithuania in the world. We really needed something like this long ago.
Kristina Lukošiūtė, Lithuanian Business Confederation | ICC Lithuania
Director of Corporate Affairs
- Posted by - 4951(0)
Your dedication to this e-magazine is remarkable. Thank you for providing such an informative and well-balanced news forum.
Jurate Burns, Destin Library Director
Destin, Florida, USA
- Posted by - 10599(0)
Well done Aage ''you should be very proud'' you and you're team have excelled.
Geoff Kenny, Vilnius.
- Posted by - 10597(0)
Congratulations - excellent presentation and wealthy content of your new VilNews !!
Best regards from Chicago-
Jonas Pabedinskas
- Posted by - 4050(0)
Congratulations for the starting of the Vilnews online !!! I can imagine what a hard work you achieved ! Bravo bravo bravo ! :)
Thomas Teiten, owner of restaurant BALZAC, Vilnius
- Posted by - 4048(2)
Excellent publication. You folks have outdone yourselves. Labai gerai, graziai ir idomei sudetas.Aciu Labai,
Rimantas Orlauskis , aka Orlauskas (Colorado), USA Retired: US Forest Service, Girninkas
- Posted by - 4039(0)
A hearty congratulations on launch of your new e-publication! I've already read parts of the first edition, and I look forward to future instalments. While I enjoy every bit of VilNews, I greatly appreciate your interest and courage in publishing articles on tough subjects. My connection with Lithuania? My grandfather emigrated to the US from a small village near Siauliai in 1912, and today I find myself as a member of the board of directors for the Auksuciai Foundation.
Ted Shapas, Alamo, California
- Posted by - 4035(1)
Very many congratulations on a fantastic achievement with producing such a very professional looking site and highly informative.
Peter Swanson, (British-Lithuanian Society), UK
- Posted by - 4029(0)
Thanks for including me on your VilNews mailing list. I'm really enjoying it. Possibly the best hard news source in the country.
John Hornall, California – USA
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VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the editors:
Code of Ethics: See Section 2 – about VilNews. VilNews is not responsible for content on external links/web pages.
All content is copyrighted © 2011. UAB ‘VilNews’.