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This photo, taken by photographer Antanas Sutkus in the 1960s, represents for me the despair and decay that characterized Lithuania at the time, some 20 years after the world war, guerrilla warfare, and the communist takeover and tragic desecration of their homeland. Many of their childhood friends are killed by the ruthless invaders here or in Siberia, others have fled to a better life in the West. They are not allowed not leave. That prevents the Iron Curtain between East and West Europe. They do not have ownership rights over their own homes and own country. Plaster falls from the buildings here in Old Town. No owner, and nobody cares about what the State owns. They no longer see results of their own work. Indifference and despair prevails. The future is dark.
Aage Myhre
Many Lithuanians, like my parents, did not leave/fled/run from Lithuania for "a better life", but to stay alive. My mother’s family was on the list to be deported to Siberia. They knocked on her door in Kaunas & said you have 30 minutes to pack. When the truck came, the driver told them to wait because the truck needed gas. It never returned thanx to the German front approaching. My mother’s grand-mother was General Plechavicius' godmother (she was deported to Siberia) & my mother’s father was a high ranking LT army officer. The had no choice but to flee.
My father was a partisan (need I say more?)
Linas Johansonas
Michigan, USA
The restitution initiative is welcome. Symbolically, it serves to underscore Lithuania’s moral burden. Practically, it will support Jewish life.
Comments to our article:
The Knights of Lithuania
keep on fighting
Click HERE to read the article
Neat article. I remember the Lithuanian summer festival that I attended w/my mother's mom/stepfather in Luzerne Co in the late 1940's
Albert P Mikutis Jr·
Bernard Terway
Very nice article about a group I was proud to be a member of. There are many such groups throughout the US and many of them were founded where Lithuanians traditionally settled. There are other groups in places that one would not expect them to be. For example the Lithuanian American communities in Houston and San Antonio Texas.
Bernard Terway
Karen Domalakes
The group also had a Jr. K of L when I was a child in the 1980s. We danced in the area as well as at the Sukiu Svente in Cleveland years ago. It gave me so many experiences singing, dancing, making friends and making eggs and straw ornaments. It led me to experience four Lithuanian summer camps and find my favorite vacation spot, Lithuania. Most of all it keeps me close to my family and faith as we share these traditions and memories. Thanks for the article!
Karen Domalakes
This was a great article.
I, too am proud to be a member of the Knights of Lithuania (56 years). It would be great to have a council in Texas.
Phyllis Gendreau
Please write to
Wooden house in the
Vilnius district of Uzupis.
See also the slide show
“Uzupis spring 2012”.
CLICK HERE to see the show.
Tatjana Grigorjeva It's a good idea!
Tatjana Grigorjeva Wooden houses like this one, is a heritage of Lithuania!
Carol Luschas Taip!
Jenn Virskus Taip!
Milda Arquer Yes ! Those houses are really among the lithuanian symbols and heritages of the past !
Jurate Kutkus Burns Absolutely! Once they are gone, they cannot be replaced.
Irene Simanavicius What do you need? how can we help? Let's get going!!! :)
Ramute Julia Zukas Yes Aage, what help can we give?
Wyman Brent I guess it is considered progress to destroy the past. What a shame.
Boris Bakunas Yes, yes, and yes again!
Warren Thompson Yes
Danguole Juska heritage...
Rasa Mekuskaite Oho, it's maybe the first time when i can see the same coluor on a house and on a fence. And this light green hue. Where is it?
Aage Myhre It's in your beloved Uzupis, Rasa :)
Rasa Mekuskaite OK:)
Jan H. Hovde Do you have a plan?
Aage Myhre Vilnius Municipality has a plan, but has not been able to implement it due to financial reasons. Also, I have to say that the public understanding of the importance of keeping and maintaining this cultural treasure is not very high. I will now try to apply for EEA/Norwegian Grants and see what can be done, and it's seriously urgent as the majority of these buildings are in very bad conditions.
Linas Johansonas Who owns these houses?
Aage Myhre Private people, families, who simply were 'installed' there during the Soviet years, then given ownership rights to their apartments after 1991. Most of the families are poor people with no means to renovate or take care of their homes, hence public support is necessary.
Tomas Chepaitis Of course, sure, we should save them - some in Zhverynas are already destroyed
Tomas Chepaitis ...but destruction comes mostly from the architectural mafia:) or municipality, isn't it so, Your Excellency Architect of the Universe?
VilNews e-magazine is published in Vilnius, Lithuania. Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Aage Myhre. Inquires to the editors:
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